Category Archives: Customer Targetting

Using psychology and better data practices to get customers closer to purchase

Optimizing campaigns with psychological insights saves times and makes you more competitive. Chris Wood on October 1, 2021 With limited resources, marketers need every edge they can get, including psychology, to get customers closer to purchase. “All [marketers] are using several different channels, platforms, solutions and tools to track assets, campaigns, user and customer data, … Continue reading Using psychology and better data practices to get customers closer to purchase

Targeting Your Most Profitable Customers – Market Segmentation

Daniel Hopper — May 30, 2020 We only want to market to the people who are most likely to be profitable customers right? Grouping these people based on their common characteristics and how they best respond to marketing would make it easier to communicate with them, right? This blog is about how businesses can use … Continue reading Targeting Your Most Profitable Customers – Market Segmentation

11 Free Ways to Reach Your Audience Online During COVID-19

Kristen McCormick — April 27, 2020 The financial burdens of COVID-19 have put many SMBs in search of affordable ways to market their business. The good news is that more people are spending time online than ever before, and there are plenty of simple ways to reach your customers digitally without spending a dime. Here, … Continue reading 11 Free Ways to Reach Your Audience Online During COVID-19

How Accurate is Social Media Sentiment Analysis in Measuring Consumer Opinion?

William Comcowich — August 20, 2018 Follow @GleanTeam — August 20, 2018 Many companies use social media measurement to gauge consumer sentiment toward their brands. Rating social media comments on a positive to negative scale indicates how consumers feel about company products, the company’s response to current news, or the seriousness of a recent PR … Continue reading How Accurate is Social Media Sentiment Analysis in Measuring Consumer Opinion?