Category Archives: Email Marketing

Why an Email Marketing Calendar is an Important Part of Your Campaign Suite

Kevin George — September 3, 2018 Follow @imkevin_monk — September 3, 2018 Ever thought about the huge investment and resources that it takes to execute effective email marketing? To make sure that all the money and hard work begets you the best email marketing metrics, it is of utmost importance to spare some time and … Continue reading Why an Email Marketing Calendar is an Important Part of Your Campaign Suite

How to Design an Email Campaign that Meets Brand Guidelines

Kevin George — August 24, 2018 Follow @imkevin_monk — August 24, 2018 With number of emails being sent and received every day reaching a whopping figure of 269 billion, it is imperative for businesses to understand the importance and potential of email marketing. Consequently, this is the reason marketers in the United States alone are … Continue reading How to Design an Email Campaign that Meets Brand Guidelines

How To Boost Email Open Rates With Magnetic Preheader Text (The Ultimate Guide)

By Qhubekani July 31st, 2018   Getting your emails opened these days is tough. Inboxes are clogged. Typically, a person receives over 100 emails per day. Plus, we live in a crazy-busy world and attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. People are choosy and overprotective of their time. They’ll skip anything they feel won’t add … Continue reading How To Boost Email Open Rates With Magnetic Preheader Text (The Ultimate Guide)

The spirit vs. the letter of the email law & the bits in between

There are things we all ‘know’ that aren’t actually founded in reality. Contributor Len Shneyder busts commonly held beliefs about email regulations. Len Shneyder on July 13, 2018 Over the last year, I’ve given a presentation where I debunk common email deliverability myths and ask the audience to chime in and tell me if the … Continue reading The spirit vs. the letter of the email law & the bits in between