Category Archives: Email Strategy

8 Email Segmentation Examples That Can Boost Conversions

by Wilson Hung May 27, 2016May 27, 2016 You finally decide to invest the time and money into building an email list. Tons of articles explain the importance of email marketing for your business, but you continue to fail at achieving results. Instead you experience: Low open & click-through rates High unsubscribe rates And worse, … Continue reading 8 Email Segmentation Examples That Can Boost Conversions

7 Ways to Build Business with Responsive Email Design

by Dan Forootan May 4, 2016May 4, 2016 To reach customers anywhere, agencies and marketers need to know how to effectively reach customers on the go or at their desks with responsive email design. Responsive templates ensure that clients’ emails display properly on all screen sizes, making them easy to view — and engage with—regardless … Continue reading 7 Ways to Build Business with Responsive Email Design