Category Archives: Social Media Advertisement

How to Overcome Under-Delivery of Your Social Ads

Jana Christoviciute — November 6, 2017 geralt / Pixabay Luckily for social advertisers, Facebook algorithms continually optimize to create value and provide a positive, relevant user experience. Still, there are a few things you can periodically do to boost performance. One important exercise is examining why your ads may be under-delivering. There are two main … Continue reading How to Overcome Under-Delivery of Your Social Ads

Social Media Advertising: Optimizing Your Video for Facebook Ads

Kevin Page — August 11, 2017 Follow @1nonlyKevinPage — August 11, 2017 With more than a billion active users, the sheer size of Facebook makes marketers salivate. Take that audience, combine it with advanced user targeting of the ads platform and multiply that by the power of video content, and you’ve got yourself a match … Continue reading Social Media Advertising: Optimizing Your Video for Facebook Ads

Facebook Vs Twitter Advertising: Where Should You Invest?

by Simon Brisk May 12, 2016 Follow @Brisky001May 12, 2016 You go and create this amazing strategy for marketing on Facebook and Twitter. You begin implementing it. Your following is growing. The engagement is flowing in. You open up Google Analytics to find that the web traffic from each channel is rocking and rolling. Hey … Continue reading Facebook Vs Twitter Advertising: Where Should You Invest?