Challenge 2019: How To Create The User Experience Design for an E-Commerce Website

— September 23, 2019

The creation of an e-Commerce website that will successfully fulfill all the functions is a complex and challenging task. Moreover, the experience must be so pleasant and comfortable so that a customer will develop a habit. More and more buyers prefer online shopping experience and turn to it every day.

The number of websites is growing exponentially, as well as the variety of products and services on offer. The competitions become fierce. The designers and developers are searching for new sophisticated ways to provide high-quality services and drive traffic.

The success of the e-Commerce activity largely depends on the design of the page or platform it is performed on. E-Commerce web-design companies face the upcoming challenges and find new ways to express their creativity and turn new ideas into life. We compiled our list of design tips which will skyrocket your website traffic and seduce even more customers to buy.

Challenge 2019: How To Create The User Experience Design for an E-Commerce Website

Home page

Your home page is the most important element of your website. It gets the most considerable portion of the overall traffic. Thus, its principal aim is to catch the users and drag them through the sales funnel. Your home page is a window to your shop. It has to attract attention, keep it for some time, and turn into an irresistible desire to come and buy.

Brick-and-mortar shop owners put the main accent of the widows. There exists the whole world of trends and principles according to which these windows are decorated. Window shopping has become a culture of its own. Why not make your home page the face of your brand?

Every element of the homepage is critical as it may cost you a customer. Attention to detail belongs to the e-Commerce web-design trends of 2019. Take into account every single element starting with background up to forms, materials, and shapes. Don’t save the best for later as it may never come. Put your best offers and benefits to your homepage as it is a starting point for your customers. Don’t make them wait and search for too long.

Intuitive navigation

Here comes one more challenging feature for your e-Commerce web page design. It is navigation. Your website may be stunning. You can make it stylish, luxurious or minimalistic, creative or charming yet it won’t be successful without a comprehensive navigation system.

Top e-Commerce website design companies try hard in this battle for the completed purchases. Perfect design means nothing if the customers don’t buy. Intuitive navigation is a crucial element here.

When people visit your homepage, they do it to search for something. Your homepage appears to be a starting point for these people to make sure they move in the right direction. All the critical sections of your website should be at their fingertips. The quicker people find what they want, the quicker they will move down your sales funnel. Pay particular attention to the following tips:

  • limit our menu choice to several items;
  • use a multi-column menu;
  • make sure people know what page they are now;
  • include a `how to order` section;
  • ensure easy payment procedure.

Challenge 2019: How To Create The User Experience Design for an E-Commerce Website


A devoted e-Commerce website design will warn you that there is a particular category of customers who go straight to the action. These people don’t want to waste their time looking through the items on your menu or clicking on numerous buttons and links. Such customers are sure about products or services they are willing to purchase. Thus they go straight to the search window on your home page. According to some data, people using a website search box are more likely to convert.

A proper search engine is crucial for an e-commerce website. Make sure your website search engine has the following critical feature:

  • automatic proposal selection;
  • advanced filtering and sorting;
  • quick view option;
  • offer related items.

Highly visualized content

Due to the increase in the size and resolution capabilities of our screens, visual elements make the most of the website’s success. Images have grown in their importance. Thus it may be worth a thousand words.

A big, high-resolution picture and a zoom option ensure a unique experience for your customers. Brick and mortar shops provide their customers with an opportunity for physical contact. The best e-Commerce web design services provider has to create an illusion of this physical contact for your online customer. Try to keep this illusion as realistic as possible with the help of the quality photos, demonstration videos, video instructions and reviews, 360-degree views, and numerous other features.

However, remember to stick to the overall brand style. As a significant number of too bright, colorful, and eccentric photos won’t do you any good.

Branding and promotion

Websites or web applications are often a part of a bigger business scheme. Therefore they need to fit the overall brand policy and promotional strategy. The existing brand dictates website styles.

How would you describe your brand? Who is your ideal customer? Is your brand easily accessible or exclusive and luxurious? Don’t get surprised. You should know the exact answers before the very first line of your website is written. Custom fonts, gradient fills, asymmetric elements, graphic objects, color schemes, dynamic elements they all depend on the overall image of a brand.


Finally, we reached the payment stage. After a long trip from your home page to the desired item should end up with a purchase. This is it. Something we all worked for so long. This is when you need to make sure you’ve managed to create a trusted payment environment.

First of all, `add to the chart` option must be visible, easily accessible yet not irritating. Besides, make sure the website displays the cart items correctly.

Always remind your shoppers about shipping, returns, and security bonuses to strengthen the customers` determination to buy. Keep in mind, once the customers start filling out shipping information, they become the victims of the psychological principle of commitment and consistency. Thus, put billing after shipping procedure.

Ensure a high level of data protection with the Secure Socket Level certificate. Make the security a top-notch. Find a way to make the process of credit card information entering easy and fast.

Summing up, there is a huge pile of work to do to ensure your website’s popularity and sales growth. We compiled a list of points that should be taken into account to provide a unique customer experience design. However, there is one important – fact try to find the best fitting e-Commerce web design company that will become a trustworthy partner.

Learn your customers and offer high-quality products or services to establish a good foundation for your e-Commerce business success. Stick to this basics and watch your sales boosting.

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