Coaching Tools – Use Positive Emotions to Create Powerful Sales Letters

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Coaching products allow coaches to reach many more people than is possible coaching one on one. However, to get people to purchase and consume those products we must become master motivators. The word motivate is critical to writing good sales letters so it is essential that we understands what motivates people.

Most people are more motivated to avoid pain than they are to seek pleasure. However, studies also show that people are more willing to spend large sums of money to reach a goal. That is why people will spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on education.

The point is that both types of emotions, positive and negative, play a huge part in our motivations to take action so we must think about how to use those emotions the goal is to cause action. Let us take a look at the some of the positive emotions as described by Napoleon Hill the author of “Think and Grow Rich”.


We all have the desire to be loved. When you motivate with love then you have hit the tap root of human nature. Look at all the things we do to ensure that others love us. We buy billions of dollars worth of perfume and cosmetics to be attractive to love. We give to others because we love them or we desire that they love us. We make huge sacrifices for others that we love. Love is probably the single most powerful motivator of human kind next to fear.

All of this means that people are motivated by the desire to have the love of others and to express our love for others. Touch on these desires and get straight to the heart of the matter.

Show people how they can love or be loved by using coaching to reach their goals. Remember when we do something to increase our self-esteem we are also loving ourselves and there is no greater boost to self esteem that reach a goal.


Enthusiasm can sell all by itself. We have all gotten wrapped up in the pitch of an enthusiastic person. Enthusiasm is contagious and is a strong motivator. I know you have been swept up in the enthusiasm of another person and based on their enthusiasm you have taken on and accomplished a task or goal that you may not have achieved without that motivation of enthusiasm from the other person.

People are most authentic and enthusiastic about their passions so make sure that you are coaching in a niche that you are passionate about. Your enthusiasm will be contagious and will attract clients with little effort on your part.

When you know that you can serve your target coaching niche and help them to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals and you can communicate that certainty and enthusiasm then you will see clients flocking to your coaching business.

Loving people, helping them love themselves, and passion for your coaching niche are an unstoppable attraction force. If you can communicate those emotions in your sales copy then you will have a powerful tool for getting new coaching clients.



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