Continuous Growth of Mobile [Infographic]

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November 22, 2014



Continuous Growth of Mobile [Infographic] image mobile growth infographic


Tweet the latest mobile facts:

  • Global mobile traffic increased by 81% over the previous year.
  • Global mobile traffic will grow 11 times over the next 5 years.
  • Mobile network connection speed will double over the next 5 years.
  • Smartphone penetration in the US reached 31% in Q1 2011, 44% a year later, 56% last year and 68.2% at the beginning of 2014.
  • Smartphone penetration in the UK reached 30% in Q1 2011, 51% a year later, 62% last year and 70% at the beginning of 2014.
  • By 2018 smartphone penetration will reach almost 100% in the UK.

Mobile Traffic

The size of the Internet traffic coming from mobile devices has been increasing globally. Only in 2013 it rose by 81%. Over the next 5 years it will grow 11 times! This tendency is going to continue and soon we will be spending more time surfing the net on our smartphones and tablets, than in front of a computer.

Mobile Network Connection Speed

Declining prices of Internet packages as well as of smartphones and tablets themselves, have made these devices more affordable and popular. Improving quality and speed of mobile network connection have had their impact, too. With the ability to find information on a computer and a smartphone equally fast, users are more and more likely to reach for their phones.

Smartphone Penetration

This can be observed in the levels of smartphone penetration. In the US and UK seven out of ten people have a smartphone today. The number of the owners of these intelligent devices will be growing year by year, until the nearly complete saturation of the market. It is estimated that in the UK this will happen already in 2018.

Key Takeaways

Small and medium business owners have started to notice increasing mobile traffic. Today customers visit their websites not only on computers, but also on smartphones. Still, a study by Google found that 96% of mobile consumers have encountered a website that was not mobile friendly! What is even more alarming, 61% of mobile users immediately leave a website that is not optimized for viewing on a smartphone and move to another site. Companies that will react right away to the growth of the mobile channel and ensure a decent mobile website, will gain a competitive advantage. Those that will not move with the times, must expect an inevitable outflow of customers.

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