Create a Strategy For the New Year Today

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by Personal Branding Blog November 18, 2015
November 18, 2015

shutterstock_273276977Building confidence as one builds business is the secret to getting ahead. Early stage entrepreneurs are frequently intimidated by those with more experience. And middle-stage businesspeople are often reluctant to step up to play a bigger game. Those who never take the risk to try more most often have to end their business.

Treat everyone as an equal – this includes you!

Phase 1: Increase self-confidence

Personal Brand Foundation

Never compromise on who you are or what your business stands for; walk away from questionable activity. This speaks volumes for building relationships and trust. Sales are built upon trust. – How to Accelerate Business

Fear of failure

Failure doesn’t exist as long as you are willing to learn from error. Change vocabulary from failure to marketing research. The more open you are to learning, the more successful you will become.


Know that impossible doesn’t exist. Statistics are made to be broken. With continued perseverance, your idea stands a chance for succeeding.

Help communities needing your expertise

Your reward is recognizing that you helped others to succeed. The bonus is to find yourself in a leadership role.


Consider all possibilities for growing business in order to select the few that are directly related to your vision and principles. Likewise, respectfully do the same for your clientele. Trust and sales will continue to grow.

Six Month Meeting

Every six months business owners should faithfully review successes along with strategies that didn’t work out well. Eliminate what did not work well, and leverage what did. Then reset your 12-month goal. Doing so every six months is the key for supercharging achievements.

Phase 2: Planning

Computer and Devices

Upgrade software on your hardware in the evening in order to not lose a day’s work.


We usually get so busy with projects that our websites, bios, and online profile pages are forgotten. Check them to be certain they are up to date to reflect your recent experiences. The very people you wish to reach may already be researching your information.


Review all marketing materials, products and services, to ensure they are up to date and reflect who you are today. Decide if an image overhaul is needed to advance your endeavor.

Phase 3: Build Sales


Get a user friendly database to capture the information of everyone you encounter. It will be virtually impossible to remember the name and title of every person at every company. Compounding the matter, people switch jobs and that information needs to be captured, too.

Different types of business models such as global teams or a single entrepreneur will dictate the type of CRM to purchase. Each system has a different focus and it’s important to pick the one that best suits your business model, ease of use, and budget. Implementing daily usage will keep you on track for efficient follow-up.

Check Your List Twice

Make the New Year your best one yet. Create a wish list of all the things you know you need done but budget is an issue. Prioritize the list. Likewise, create a second list of all the things you can do to earn extra income.

Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!

Business & Finance Articles on Business 2 Community


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