Businesses all over this country are littered with the remnants of employees who do a good job. But what about those employees who go above and beyond?
There is nothing that impresses a boss more than an employee who takes the initiative. The initiative to do more than he or she is asked for. Example: The initiative to plan ahead, look at the “big picture”, and take the steps needed to make the department or business more efficient, and improve on the existing way things are done.
Employees who do this are the ones who get noticed and will be next in line for recognition and advancement, if available.
Do Your Employees Do a Good Job?
Is hard work enough?
Sadly, too many employees are satisfied with their knowledge that they “do a good job” and there’s little left to do to improve. They believe their hard work is enough to be recognized. Their daily efforts speak for themselves and they have fulfilled the requirements of their position. Their work gets them their paycheck. That’s all that’s needed because they’ve done what’s expected. But did they? And why can’t they expect more than just a paycheck?
Some may say that complacency has set in. Hard-driving bosses think this way. They expect much and demand continual improvements. Is this possible? Maybe, maybe not.
Those in positions where performance is directly tied to compensation have a built-in motivational factor to increase their efforts. But what about those who aren’t? Is there another way to rise above a “just a paycheck job”? I say yes.
Do More Than Just a Good Job
Be someone who willingly helps others when needed. Look for ways to add value to your position. Think about what comes next – and do it – instead of waiting to be told what to do. Imagine if you owned the business. What changes would you make to improve productivity and team morale? Then get to work and put these thoughts into action.
Before you know it, you’ll be the person who goes above and beyond, and the employee recognized as the newest leader within your company; first by your teammates, then your direct reports, and then by others within your company. The “boss” won’t be far behind.
So, do you only do a good job?
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