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As society continues to move towards becoming more reliant on digital things and spending more time online, it is easier for brands to go straight to the public. Today, one of the most popular ways of sharing is through blogs. Blogs have sort of become a modern newspaper. You have the chance to control your message and have it circulated amongst customers, colleagues, or employees via social media sites.
While blogging is convenient, it is a task many dread and often falls by the wayside.
Here are some tips to make your blog the most successful it can be and keep you motivated to share content.
- Be consistent. The first tip to having a successful blog is consistency. Consistency will help to attract followers. If readers know that you update your blog every Wednesday at noon, it is something they will expect every Wednesday at noon. Rather than posting every once in a while, when no one is really sure when to check the blog for another post, be consistent.Besides helping with followers, consistency will also help you with staying up-to-date on industry topics and sparks creativity for new projects. Eventually it will become routine, and the feeling that you want to give up on it won’t come as much. In the beginning, it may seem a bit annoying not knowing if anyone is reading, and sometimes you may not know quite what to write about. However, this is why coming up with an editorial calendar that is in line with the marketing plan for your brand is vital. This may be difficult at first, but the more you keep going the easier it gets.
- Be brief. As many people know, the attention span of humans is just not what it used to be. Specifically, when it comes to the Internet people want information fast. One of the biggest social media platforms, Twitter, limits subscribers to only 140 characters per tweet. Work to create your brand’s blogs where the reader doesn’t have to go to page four to get the point of why the post was even written. This concept applies for those going the video blog route as well. Keep it brief by just giving the vital information. In other words, quickly get to the point.
- Find your brand’s voice. This is a very important tip for when you’re writing a blog. The voice is important when thinking about how you want your readers to perceive your brand. If your blog is more serious, and you’re doing things like giving people financial or medical advice a serious, a professional voice will give you more credibility. However, when writing for a more creative or youthful audience, your “official press voice” is not necessary. You have to write for your audience.
While it is not easy maintaining a blog and getting into a rut will happen on occasion, if you stick to these three tips you will find your followers will increase and your content become one that people do not want to live without.
Have any tips you want to share about how you write your blog post? Share them in a comment below. Your responses could be used for a future article.
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