These four elements are key to the Periodic Table of Email Optimization and Deliverability — and to your success as an email marketer.

As we were developing the first-ever Periodic Table of Email Optimization and Deliverability, which we launched at the MarTech Conference in Boston recently, we consulted with many email experts to determine the essential elements for success in this complex medium.
One of the important themes to emerge was that of Permission, which resides in the Optimization half of the chart. Let’s explore the four p
Before marketers even begin to email, they must first secure the affirmative permission of the recipients. This sets the stage for a positive relationship between the mailer and the mailee, because the customer or prospective customer has raised a virtual hand and agreed that the marketer’s email will be welcome in their mailbox.
Typically, the opt-in (In) process occurs through a sign-up form, where a person submits their email with the expectation of receiving a newsletter, a white paper or some other form of communication from the sender. Double Opt-In (In2) goes a step further, requiring that subscribers click on a confirmation email sent to the address submitted. This has the advantage of collecting a second agreement from the recipient and stymies situations where people or bots input bad email addresses that don’t belong to them. However, the double opt-in process may also leave some potential subscribers behind, when they neglect to respond to the confirmation email.
To maintain a positive relationship between the parties, and also to be in Compliance (Cp) with national and international regulations, senders must always provide recipients with an easy-to-find option to unsubscribe, or opt-out (Oo) at any time.
Download the newest Periodic Table now and ensure your email marketing’s on the right track.
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