Demographics are a facet of marketing where art and science come together. Get the right mixture, and you can get the perfect message in front of the ideal audience for your brand. A new infographic from Accenture Interactive’s Acquity Group (via Adweek) sheds light onto what makes for successful demographic segmentation in social media marketing.
Motivation To Try A New Product Or Service
Wondering what platform motivates your audience to try a new product or service? YouTube is most successful with the 18-22 year-old demographic (its success tapering off with older groups), while social media is most effective amongst the 23-30 year-old crowd. 48% of 23-30 year-olds said they tried a new product or serve as a result of a campaign or advertisement on social media. 41% of 18-22 year-olds and 31-50 year-olds agreed with them.
How To Go Viral With The Under-30 Crowd
Get personal…or go big…
- 75% are likely to share a video that’s been shared on a friend or family member’s wall
- 59% are likely to share a link sent directly by a friend or family member
- 46% are likely to share a post by a brand that has been shared multiple times in their network.
What doesn’t resonate with the under-30 crowd?
- Celebrity posts
- Discount codes
- Brand posts
What can we learn from this?
In short, people are people on social media – they’re more interested in sharing content that they feel a personal connection with than content that’s promotional in nature. Sure, a 20%-off coupon code might have more real-world value than a funny video, but it’s simply not what your audience is looking to repost when they get on Facebook or Twitter.
Likelihood Of Sharing
If you’ve spent any time A/B testing posts on social, then you’ve probably noticed that not all types of content are perceived to have the same trustworthiness. Acquity Group found that funny videos and cause-driven videos are some of the most trusted and most shared pieces of content. While links to products or videos that evoke negative emotions are less likely to be seen as trustworthy and share-worthy.
How Does Demographic Segmentation Influence Your Social Marketing?
Do you target different types of content at different demographics? Is demographic segmentation important for your brand, or do you cast just one net – whether wide or narrow?
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