Email marketing doesn’t need to be a marketing tactic that a business owner stays away from. Take the time to establish a plan. Like all marketing, you need a plan to aid in providing framework and goals. Email marketing can be a very easy way to reach your customers without having a high upfront cost.
Tips for Making Your Content Stand Out
- Subscription – Make it easy to subscribe to your emails – whether you’re utilizing social media or your company website, find a place where your customers are already active. Remember to tell them what they are subscribing to – the more information you provide will help peak their interest.
- Monthly Newsletters – These emails are an easy way to tell your customers what your company is doing. New products and services can be featured, and this is a regular way to get in front of prospects and customers to share your story.
- Welcome Emails – Welcome emails are a targeted way to touch new customers – you do not need a full onboarding program. Think about offering specials or exclusive content and thanking them for their business.
- Brand Your Communications – Branding goes beyond design; make sure your emails not only ladder up to your look, feel and logo, but also are consistent from a messaging standpoint. You want people to see the email and recognize this is from your company.
- Responsive – Everyone is on their phone today. EMarketer reports US adults spend an average of 2 hours and 51 minutes with their mobile devices each day. Desktop time fell by more than 2 hours. Make sure your email design works on multiple mobile platforms.
- Content Creation – Don’t skimp on spending time on the headline and the body copy of the email – everyone’s inbox is inundated with email so you need to make your email stand out from the rest. The email subject line is the most important part of your email – your goal is to attract attention.
- Keep It Brief – Given the amount of content being generated today, consumers do not have time to read lengthy communications. According to comScore, 56% of online content is now consumed on a smartphone. People do scan today – no one reads content thoroughly. Make your email scannable and use small bites of content, not long paragraphs.
- Test and Edit – Testing your email across several mobile devices is the best way to ensure your content is being displayed properly. Litmus and other providers offer the ability to test your email before sending. If you cannot use a tool to test, send the email to yourself or a friend. You’ll be surprised what you see when you receive the email as a customer.
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