Explore High Income Tax Strategies You May Not Have Considered

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Explore High Income Tax Strategies You May Not Have Considered

It is reported that Warren Buffett pays lower taxes than his own employees, and Donald Trump once only paid $750 in taxes. That is because they use high income tax strategies in order to lower their own taxes. You can too. There are a number of high income tax strategies that you may not have even considered.

Learn some of these tips here.

Minimize Portfolio Taxes

This is a no-brainer and among the most common tips for high income tax strategies, however, it is so commonplace that it can quickly be forgotten when executives pursue other avenues of lowering taxes. One strategy known as tax-loss harvesting will reduce the taxes on your realized gains, so that you can apply losses against those gains up to $3 thousand. This reduces taxes and helps you to optimize your assets.

If you have sold assets in the past and have not done well with them, you may be reluctant to take any losses at all. Experts can help you to minimize those losses and recover in time. Replace your securities that you have lost to maintain exposure and decrease your tax bill. By doing so you will be able to realize gains in other areas of your portfolio.

Tax Efficient Stock

This is something you consider before you even purchase stock, most of the time. In these cases, you are appreciating and controlling the realized gains on these assets. Individual stocks are more tax-efficient that way, when you have control.

Other assets such as mutual funds or ETFs are not as flexible, and you will see more taxes on this kind of income or any realized gains that occur over the year. Individual stocks provide a direct index that permits you to own individual stock and minimize your risk profile. That is much more tax-efficient than having a single mutual fund that you have to pay an exorbitant amount of taxes on. This is another method of tax-loss harvesting.

Reconsider How You Donate to Charity

For many Americans, charitable giving is a line on the tax return that they home mean something someday, and it doesn’t often, unless you maximize the benefits of that line. This is something the government allows you to do, and those in the high income brackets can get some benefits from this.

Consider other ways to give, and other things to give, such as in-kind giving or the donation of stock to charities. If you’ve held onto an asset for over a year and you aren’t really doing anything with it, donate it to charity to experience some tax benefits. Appreciated assets that are donated to charity can yield some significant gains for you in the tax arena. Consult with a professional to determine the process for this.

Consult With a Professional

When you are seeking high income tax strategies, these are just a few places to start. Consult with a professional or tax expert to see if there are any tax-loss harvesting strategies you can look at in your own portfolio. Give away what you aren’t using and write that off. You may see a significant difference the next time you have to call Uncle Sam.

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Explore High Income Tax Strategies You May Not Have Considered

TPI has been competently serving clients with integrity, diligence, and professionalism over a broad spectrum of financial services for two decades since 1994.


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