Facebook To Make Big Changes for Influencer Marketing

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— March 23, 2018

If you’re in influencer marketing and worried about the hype over #DeleteFacebook, I wouldn’t panic just yet — if at all.

The Cambridge Analytica scandal has a buried lede. As all kinds of news surrounds Zuckerberg, Facebook quietly announced plans to fundamentally transform it’s creator ecosystem — for the better.

For creators, Facebook will test new features that will make it easier for creators to engage with their fans. As a brand marketer, you need to know how effective influencers are before committing the budget to hiring them. Brands and creators will be able to work together to draw more exact audience personas with the information that will be available to influencers.

Here are three important features from Facebook’s new announcement that will allow brands to build, not buy, a presence on Facebook.

1. Engagement Leaderboards for Creators to Interact with Fans

The first thing that Facebook is testing out is that creators will now be able to see a leaderboard of their top fans. This is especially relevant because it allows for influencers to better calibrate their content. Content isn’t amorphous; creators need to know who engages with their posts. For brands, this gives marketers extra intelligence on the audience personas to build campaigns around.

2. Portfolios with Influencer Marketing Insights and Niche

Influencers can set up a portfolio highlighting insights such as audience, expertise, and other metrics. Soon, brands will be able to search creators based on specified parameters that will make their discover process exponentially easier. Eventually, this will allow brands and creators to create stronger branded campaigns.

3. Monthly Subscriptions for Fans

Facebook will also roll out a “Patreon” type feature that will allow fans to subscribe to content from their favorite creators. This additional source of revenue will be a boon for micro-influencers who don’t have the subscriber counts to activate AdSense on platforms like YouTube.

In conclusion, Facebook is ready to compete with Google and YouTube. If you’re a brand that’s not already working with creators on Facebook, I would consider committing some time and a budget now before it really starts to take off.

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