Five Great Free SEO Tools

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January 28, 2015

Google hasn’t changed what it has said are best practices to achieve SEO success over the years; what it has done is penalise people harder and harder that haven’t listened.

To get to the top of Google and stay there, businesses must offer the best experience to their visitors. But how can you go about doing that? Thankfully, there are a lot of tools out there that can help you.

  1. Keyword Eye Basic

For keyword research, Keyword Eye Basic is a visual suggestion generator which helps you in those brainstorming meetings. It allows you to simplify your keyword planning and lets you examine what it is that your competitors are targeting so you can keep up to speed with them.

  1. Übersuggest

For long tail keyword planning, Übersuggest uses suggest data from Google and other sources to help you to ensure that you are meeting visitor’s expectations and answering the question that they are asking.

  1. Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool

Does your backlink profile consist of a variety of anchor texts, weighted heavily in favour of your domain/brand name? If not you may find that you get punished for over your optimising moneyed keywords. To avoid this, the Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool shows you where you might be risking penalties.

  1. Copyscape

To ensure that your content doesn’t contain any plagiarism – which will get you penalised by Google – Copyscape lets you put in a URL and checks it to make sure that it is original.

  1. Convert Word Documents to Clean HTML

If you create your content in Word, Writer or a number of other writing software options, you may find that when you copy it over to your website you end up with a number of format issues or strange artefacts in the content. Convert Word Documents to Clean HTML strips out this information to ensure that it goes into your site error free.

That’s the first five. Come back soon for a look at some more technical SEO tools.

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