Show (Model) the Desired Method
A. In a private meeting
Talk over the desired method first
Give an example
Demonstrate or explain the desired method
Discuss what is different
Ask for their reaction
B. In a team meeting
Talk over the desired method first
Give some examples
You or one of your people demonstrate or explain the desired method to the team
Discuss what is different
Debrief – ask for their reaction
C. Role playing (curb side coaching)
Talk over the desired method first
Let the salesperson or technical support person play the client or prospect
The manager plays the role of salesperson or technical support person
Role play the situation
Demonstrate the improved skill for the salesperson or technical support person
Debrief the role play for feedback
D. Actual client meeting (curb side coaching)
Talk over the desired method first
Plan the meeting – manager takes the lead in front of the client
Analyze what was good or bad immediately upon completion
4. Have the Salesperson Try the Desired Method
A. In a private meeting
Talk over the desired method first
Have them try the desired method
Observe and analyze performance
Ask for their opinion
Provide specific feedback
Gain commitment to practice and continue the desired method
B. In a team meeting
Talk over the desired method first
Have them try the desired method in groups
Observe and analyze performance
Debrief – ask for their reaction
Provide specific feedback
Gain commitment to practice and continue the desired method
C. Role playing (curb side coaching)
Talk over the desired method first
The manager plays the client
Role play the client situation or last meeting
Encourage salesperson or technical support person to “customize” the method
Debrief the role play
D. Actual client meeting (curb side coaching)
Talk over the desired method first
Plan the sales meeting
Analyze the meeting immediately upon leaving
5. Continue Coaching
Repeat the process until they have mastered the method
Compliment positive performance
Recommend enhancements
Encourage them to study or practice