Four Things To Know For Your Facebook Ads Strategy

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November 26, 2014

Facebook is ever changing. Between new offerings like Facebook at Work – which is in the works and set to launch in January – and the constant updates to the Facebook timeline and profiles, it can be hard to keep up with all the changes. As you evaluate your Facebook strategy, and specifically Facebook advertising, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Tell a story

Facebook rewards storytelling. Good storytelling is often great content. If you don’t want to pay for your content to be seen (which you will probably end up doing anyhow) be sure it’s amazing content. Because Facebook is continually changing its algorithm, staying on top of the content you share and produce and making sure it’s authentic and tells a compelling story will ensure you can still have your content seen even if your marketing budget doesn’t allow for Facebook Advertising.

Price per ad is going up

According to AdAge, the average price per ad on Facebook jumped by 274% year over year while serving up 56% fewer ad impressions. Knowing what you want to advertise on Facebook and knowing what your end goal is are both important considerations when creating a budget for Facebook advertising

LikeGate is over

As of this month, Facebook has removed “likegating” – the ability of Facebook business pages to require that a visitor “like” a page or business as the price of viewing content, getting a coupon, or entering a contest on Facebook. This was announced back in August, but really this isn’t a bad thing. Like-gating often produced skewed results from people lacking real interest who were more interested in a prize and less interested (if at all) in the content you’re producing and sharing.

Why waste energy and resources if you’re not getting authentic like’s to your page?

Think about Facebook Ads similar to Google Ads

While it may seem coungterintuitive, there is a place in your inbound marketing strategy for Facebook ads. After all, creating great content and sharing it with the right audience is an integral part of any successful inbound marketing campaign. Yes people will find you organically if you simply put your content out there, but imagine the results you’d get if you also promoted that content to a targeted audience. The great thing about Facebook is how granular you can get in audience targeting via Facebook ads. Imagine you’re a wedding planner. Because we give Facebook so much information about ourselves, you could create an ad aimed at women between the ages of 25 and 40 whose status is “engaged” and are located within 15 miles of your zip code. Targeting doesn’t get much better than that!

Similar to Google Ads, use your Facebook ads to direct traffic to strategic landing pages on your website where you can capture leads, and be sure that your copy and your artwork is going to pique the interest of your audience.

The bottom line – to get the most out of your Facebook strategy, have clear goals, offer outstanding content and tell your brand’s story authentically and you’ll capitvate your audience.

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