Social selling for your brand isn’t limited to just one or two networks. If you really want to attract more revenue Pinterest can be a great tool to reach more leads.
Would you like to have more reach on social media? Whether you are just beginning your visual marketing strategy or need to build upon your followers this growing social network can help bring in new subscribers to your website who can be converted into sales.
A successful personal brand should be active on Pinterest on a regular basis in order to take advantage of the high visibility. There are many ways to use this network to your advantage, which begins with knowing your target market.
Pinterest Holiday Marketing Tips for Brands
Pinning to this large social network at least once a day will greatly improve your chances of gaining a new customer. Here are some simple ways to get started today:
• Match pins according to your niche – It is well worth the effort to take the time to do target market research before creating your holiday pins. By understanding the needs of your market you can attract a more focused audience who are ready to buy. Pay attention to the questions, comments, and feedback on your blog and other social networks to gain more insights into your community.
• Start pinning today – It doesn’t matter if your brand is new to Pinterest or if you have had little activity over the last year. The key is to get started right away in creating boards and content that appeal to your followers. Take a look at what others are doing in your industry and create your own unique presence. The great part of this social networks is the ability to easily re-pin other content as well as the longevity of your pins.
• Actively engage with your community – In addition to pinning content from other users take some time each day to make comments, like pins, and respond to feedback on your own pins. This gets the conversation flowing, and encourages others to share your content.
• Optimize your website – By adding a Pin It button and enabling rich pins with the help of a developer your brand will increase views and leads. Track your progress inside the business analytics tool on Pinterest, which is free. Make adjustments according to which pins are getting the most activity.
As Pinterest continues to expand it is important for your brand to make this network a regular part of your marketing strategy. Keep in mind that growth and visibility will be a daily process, and to offer content that is most appealing for this particular platform. There are many resources available to help you manage your boards and pins, which can be easily created with visual resources like Canva, Flipagram, PicMonkey, and more.
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