Google+ Makes It Easier To See Your Mentions

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Now desktop users can see all mentions of a page or personal profile without checking notifications.



Active Google+ users now have a handy new tool — a Mentions tab that displays all + mentions of a personal profile or page.

Previously, Google+ mentions were only accessible in the notification button, in the upper-right hand corner of the site, but notifications also include +1s, messages and other interactions. The Mentions tab gives a more uncluttered view of how a person or page is being addressed on Google+ and should be especially useful for page managers who want to keep track of conversations about their page.

For personal profiles, the new tab is visible at the top of the page between the More and Explore tabs. For pages, it can be found after clicking on Steam in the pull-down menu on the left-hand side of the page:


The feature is currently not available on mobile apps.

Hat tip: Google Plus Daily.


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