Google’s Featured Snippets

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If you haven’t already taken notice, Google keeps changing its features constantly. To rank for them, you must know exactly how these features work to stay current and ahead of the game.

Featured Snippets are usually the first thing we see when we search for something on Google.

These snippets have gained a lot of popularity over the course of time and they have made a huge difference in search results; they have enabled people to quickly and conveniently get the answers related to their relevant searches.

So what exactly are these Google Featured Snippets and how can your content be optimized for ranking for them? Before answering these questions, lets first take a look at what Featured Snippets are:

What are Featured Snippets?

Featured Snippets are search results that are featured on Google results below the add box. The content displayed by Featured Snippets is a position that is known as “position zero” because they consume most of the space on the search results page.

The main aim of Featured Snippets is to answer the user’s question effectively, such that no click is required. The information provided by the snippet content is so rich already that no other link search needs to happen.

Being featured in the Snippet Box means additional brand exposure in the search results.

Now that we know what snippets are let’s take a look at the type of Featured Snippets.

Types Of Featured Snippets

Google Featured Snippets are displayed in three ways:

Paragraph snippets display all the answers to your searches in the form of a paragraph.

• When the results are displayed in the form of lists or bullet points, the Featured Snippet style is known as a list.

• Lastly, search results may also appear in the form of a table.

These snippets play a very important role in highlighting your content in front of the audience. Through getting ranked in these featured snippets, your business has a higher success rate since your website will be the single most prominent content on the search answers.

Use Google For Uncovering Snippet Opportunities

The best idea for uncovering snippet opportunities is to put yourself in the shoes of your audience and think similarly to how a searcher would think. Brainstorm the questions that your audience will be thinking of and look for the answers to those questions. This will lead you to gain further insight into who your competitors are.

One of the oldest but most effective ways of getting featured snippets is through good keyword research.

By putting in the relevant keywords, you can get an idea of which keyword brings up the most results and how your relevant research can hit the target audience.

Having to stay updated with the latest Google updates is tricky but it helps you to stay ahead of the competition.

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