Have You Identified Your Power Partners on Social?

Hi, Welcome

May 31, 2015

Did you know if you put the “social” in social media, you’ll get better engagement and ultimately make more sales? That’s because businesses are built on relationships.

power partners

Support your on-line efforts from real life partnerships

Thousands of business people take time from their busy schedule each week — maybe you’re one of the them — to attend a weekly leads group meetings.

These meetings are important life blood for many local businesses and since you realize successful businesses need leads and referrals, you make the time to attend.

Yet, you don’t take the time to connect with those members on Facebook and other social media sites and take your real –life networking – online.

Why not?

It’s an easy way to deepen those relationships in between meetings and give your social media presence a boost at the same time.

Here’s a simple strategy you can put into place today.

Choose Your “Power Partners”

I’m not sure where I first heard the term “Power Partners” but it means building relationships with a handful of complementary businesses owners for ideas and referral possibilities. For example, I’m a web writer and online marketer and my power partners include a video marketer and a web developer.

A florist might identify a photographer, a caterer, DJ’s, bands, and a party rental company among others. I would recommend choosing people you know, like and trust.

Using our florist as an example, the florist would identify those businesses and “like” and follow all their social media accounts with her business accounts (and maybe her personal accounts too depending on how she uses them.)

Next, she’d send them notes saying something like, “I’ve identified you as a potential referral partner and I’d love to partner with you to help us both grow our businesses. Would you “like” my social media pages (make it easy for themgive them the URL’s) and let’s comment one on another’s and even share as appropriate in order to help us get in front of more potential customers.”

Chances are, they’ll be thrilled to participate.

If you partner with 5-6 other businesses who actively use social, you’ll all increase your exposure because other people will see the activity too.

Here’s a short video where I explain this quick tip.

In addition to identifying your power partners, you’ll also want to connect with the other members in your leads group. “Like” their business pages. Friend them on Facebook and “tag” them when appropriate. Participate in relevant groups. You’ll see your social media referrals grow.

Have you identified your “power partners?”

Jen grew up with her bag packed, always ready for the next adventure. These days she spends most of her time writing web content for clients across a variety of industries including travel and training on SEO and social media.

Download your copy of 21 Days to a Rockin’ Social Media presence at www.jenphillipsapril.com

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