Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Entrepreneurs: Why It’s So Hard to Let Go

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For many entrepreneurs, hiring a virtual assistant is something that sits at the bottom of their “to do” list for months or even years. They know that delegating is a powerful tool. They’ve heard stories of others who’ve cleared time in their schedules, made more money, and grown their businesses by leaps and bounds.

These business owners believe in the power of virtual assistants. For other people. And for a future version of themselves. But for some reason, they have a long list of excuses for why they haven’t done it yet.

How does this happen? How do so many smart business owners procrastinate on doing something they understand could lead to greater success?

Unfortunately, this is entirely normal. Entrepreneurs are hard workers. They are innovative thinkers who are willing to go the extra mile to make big things happen. They care a lot about turning their ideas into reality and are not afraid of putting in the hours to make that happen.

In so many ways, this fierce desire to protect their business and working hard to make things happen are what lead their businesses to success.

In this rare instance, this protective thinking can hold entrepreneurs back.

Your Time Is Valuable

As a business owner, your time is the most valuable thing you have. You need time to do the tasks only you can do. The types of tasks that you do best and that propel your business to greater heights.

While this is difficult for many innovative business owners to accept, you also need time to rest. It does not make sense to spend your day on your most valuable work and then decides it’s okay to spend all night awake, replying to emails. By taking care of yourself and leading a balanced life, you will have a clearer mind for the type of work you need to be at your best for.

Repetitive tasks are teachable. A task that can be taught to someone else and handled without your time should be passed on to clear time in your schedule for the work you do best. Things like data entry, lead generation, and email marketing are all a great use of a virtual assistant for entrepreneurs.

Trusting Someone Else With Your Work is Difficult

The instinct to protect your business is a good one. You need to protect your assets and your reputation. This means you can’t just have anyone representing any of the work done at your business.

Fortunately, there are solutions for this.

Recognizing the need for virtual assistants for entrepreneurs, agencies have opened up with vetted virtual assistants. You can work with someone remotely and feel safer knowing this person is less likely to flake out on you in the middle of a project or submit something without doing their best work. When you hire a virtual assistant through an agency, this assistant has been trained. They’ve done this work before. And they are responsible not only to you, but to the agency they are employed by.

This more professional approach creates a system with greater trust between the virtual assistant and the entrepreneur.

Once you find a virtual assistant (VA) that you trust and see the results in your business, it will become easier to imagine handing more tasks to them for even greater success.

What Can Virtual Assistants Do For Entrepreneurs?

This is another hurdle many entrepreneurs face: they can’t imagine what tasks they could possibly hand off.

Once you have surpassed the initial hurdle of letting some of your work go and finding an agency you trust, it gets easier to recognize the types of tasks it would be perfect to have someone help you with.

How much of your day is spent managing your social media? Do you worry about keeping up with engagement? It can feel like this is something only you can do when you are concerned about sticking to your brand, but when you find a VA you can trust, you can also communicate with them about your brand and the type of content and topics that best represent the interests of your audience and value your brand offers through social media. Fortunately, while handing off control of this task may be new to you, your VA will be experienced. They know what types of questions to ask you to get the job done well.

Is your inbox a mess? As a virtual assistant for entrepreneurs, these professionals have experience organizing contacts and communications. Without any more of your valuable time being spent on email, you can have a business known for promptly and properly keeping on top of communications with your customers.

Do you need your online store updated properly, on brand, and better organized? This is something you can work with a trained and experienced VA to lead to better results.

These are just a few examples of ways a great VA can revolutionize how you are running your business.

Virtual Assistants Level Up Business For Entrepreneurs

By taking the steps to finally hire a virtual assistant, entrepreneurs find themselves with the opportunity for better time balance and room for innovation. By freeing up the hours you would spend clearing out your inbox, you not only have that task efficiently handled, and free up time for you to do your best work, but you free up the mental space you need to lead your business to its next big step.

Letting go and building a bigger business can be emotionally difficult at first, but the rewards are worth pushing through and so you can grow to be as successful as your business deserves.

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Author: Jeff J. Hunter

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