Holiday Email Marketing for Ecommerce Industry

Planning your holiday email campaign? Now, is the time to start! Most brands tend to wait for the season to begin before beginning their campaigns, and targeting the customers. However, that strategy fails to accomplish the goals you have so painstakingly drawn for the season. Moreover, you wont be able to get the conversions you have been aiming for with the marketing campaigns delayed.

Why holiday season is important to retailers?

The holiday sales alone is expected to exceed a good $ 136Bn this year, which is a whopping 13% increase as against the past year’s sales. This is despite a shorter holiday season this year.

A lot of customers tend to shop weeks before the holiday season; however, maximum sales picks up during the Thanksgiving week, and goes on till the Christmas week.

It is during this time that maximum shoppers spend a good amount of money, and look out for sales and discounts with the top brands. If you are able to attract their attention to your brand early, then you might succeed in converting them, and maybe winning their loyalty as well.

The earlier you start, the lesser competition you will have, as a result of which there will be a boost in the sales.

Benefits of Holiday Emails

If you are thinking why you should adopt an email strategy to boost your holiday campaign, here we have come up with a few benefits associated with email marketing for the holiday season.

  • The reach your email can get is excellent. Today, people tend to check their email on the phone, which is more accessible and easy. They get to check the emails whenever possible, wherever they are, which makes it the best tool to maximize your reach and the output you get
  • Emails come with a call to action button, which makes the potential customer complete the purchase immediately. As a result, the conversions with emails are higher when compared to the non-email campaigns
  • Whether you have an event organized for the holiday season or, you are promoting the holiday season via other channels, email helps propagate the message, and gets you maximum conversion.

Tips for Holiday Email Marketing

When you plan on devising your holiday email strategy, there are a few things that you cannot ignore. Here we have articulated a few tips to build the perfect email campaign for you

  • The subject line is very important in holiday email marketing. You ought to have strong and powerful words that help with conversion when drafting the emails.
    • Phrases like hot deals, free shipping or words like discounts will get you some good open rates.
    • You can even add words of gratitude to the email campaign to get a good open.
    • Apart from the phrases, you ought to include a personalized subject line for better open rates. This means add the name of the person you are sending the email to to increase the open rates.
    • Emojis in subject lines help. Like a travel or gift emoji might just get the open rate you are expecting from the email.
  • The second most important tip would be regarding the CTA. It should be wrapped like a gift, and should announce something that resonates with the audience. Here are a few tips to design the CTA for the holiday emails
    • The CTA should be a button in your emails, and it should be visible. Don’t keep it hidden or away from the subscriber’s eyes. Make it evident to them, and ensure that it is close to their accessible area
    • When designing the CTA for the holiday email, make sure it is something that immediately works for them, makes them want to convert, and gets them to click-through the button. Keep the phrase as short and catchy as possible.
    • The CTA button should take you to a landing page. It is important for you to be able to track the traffic arriving through the email, which is why you need to connect it. make sure the button is connected to the right page
  • Remember the popular holidays as well as the ones that are not so popular among the retailers. If you offer discounts on the non-popular holidays as well, then you might be able to churn a bigger conversion. You should have sales on giving Tuesday as well as on small business Saturday to gain visibility and reach.
  • Planning is essential if you want to succeed in winning the conversions you have set for your business. in this case, the earlier you begin planning the better it would be for your business. You need to understand when your subscribers are shopping ready, and start the sale period accordingly.
    • During your planning stage, it is important that you build your email list and segment it to meet the individual requirements well before the sale season
    • With a segmented list, you will be able to target better, and improve the overall campaign. Sending the right emails to the right people will boost conversions
  • Have an email campaign that revolves around the holiday you are promoting.

Summing Up

If you want the sales to go up, then plan your holiday season email marketing before the holidays actually start. There is a lot to do to ensure that there is enough conversions. One, you will need to plan your message, and ensure it connects with the audience you are planning it for. Second, you need to build your email list so that you know who your audience is, and are able to connect with them via the exact message.

The ultimate aim of your email marketing campaign is to ensure that the right message is delivered to the right people at the right time. combine it with the holiday theme, and you are bound to improve your profits.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Kevin George

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