How Digital Marketers Can Use Social Media to Increase Productivity

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by Yash Mehta February 14, 2016
February 14, 2016

The newfangled emergence of Social Media platforms coupled along with people’s need for personalized communication is why both Facebook and WhatsApp are dancing on the roads of the technological world. Not only did they stand out as two big things flaunting their significance but also started acting as platforms for capitalization of brands and marketing strategies. Forget brands, social media is used by politicians as campaigning tools during the general elections. Why do they have such a huge impact? Instead of putting so much effort and time to deliver the message to the voters, political parties could simply send it over a night. That’s when the digital marketers realized the denotation of these consoles and started adapting variant marketing strategies, turning them into prodigious marketing tools.

Unlike Google, Facebook and WhatsApp are not search engines that work on Keywords. Through Google, people publish the content with a specific phrase or keyword, letting you to find them when searched through the same. It’s like the marketing people are looking to be depleted.

Whom to Connect with?

The key idea behind any marketing strategy is connecting with customers. To retain the customer count, communicating the existing ones will enhance your sales. This can be done with via various widely know platform’s such as Facebook or WhatsApp. They help you in building a rapport with your clientele and stopping them from exiting. Managing clients can become very hard while maintaining pace with your social contacts, so in order to avoid that one can easily opt dual whatsapp service. The dual whatsapp service is a key application used by digital business owners and marketers in the current scenario.

Another positive feature of dealing on social media is when your clientele has already availed your product and therefore, will be slightly interested in accepting your new product. Instead of starting with new clientele, you can focus on this, primarily. Not all will be able to receive a random promotional message, with positivity.

Should you make a Facebook Group/Page or WhatsApp Group?

Either it’s the social networking platform or the messenger, both of them allows you to interact with a common platform. However, they differ in the precision, accuracy and the number. Creating a group is not a very good idea to go with. Though you might think that the customers are interested in the products, groups will create interlinking between them. While some of them might consider this social, most of them will be upset about invading the privacy. They might exit the group rather than being in between a bunch of strangers. Therefore, either you should create a Facebook page to promote your product or go for one-one based promoting through messengers.

How to promote?

Here’s the tricky thing! How to promote the product, exactly. You can initially start with changing your profile picture/ page’s profile picture to the product or the company’s logo. Through this, you are garnering the attention of the customers. Secondly, you can post/send pictures/videos of the product either on the public platform or on-one-one basis accompanied with apropos text.

How often to Interact?

Often we send our customers into hiding by our incessant and ludicrous promotion. Result? They end up blocking us! Henceforth, sending one or two promotional messages is enough to maintain affinity with the customer. As they are speedy, cost effective and reliable; they act as magnificient tools for marketing the product. But, there are certain Do’s and Dont’s that you must follow in order to build a congenial marketing strategy:

Do’s for beginners in Digital Marketing

  • Target on getting new customers in a wise manner.
  • Build Trust and Engagement based on potentiality.
  • Target the audience by classifying into different sets.
  • Use Facebook tracking to see the interaction levels.
  • Focus on existing clientele by offering free help.

Dont’s for beginners in Digital Marketing

  • Don’t be an obnoxious salesman
  • Don’t go for long ad posts on pages. Create a video.
  • Don’t go spamming the email accounts.
  • Don’t go promoting goods that are easily available, with no passion.
Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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