How Small Businesses Can Conquer the Big World of Email Marketing

May 1, 2016

Almost 50% of people who own smartphones check their emails as soon as they wake up.

Just take a moment to ponder that figure.

Yes, it’s massive.

Although, just because I like to skim through my inbox first thing in the morning, doesn’t necessarily mean I’d be willing to “take the bait” and follow those well-crafted CTAs to complete whatever action the sender wants me to take. And yet, it would be a daring lie to say I’ve never been consumed by the desire to just do as I’m asked – click, buy, share or download. Or, at least, save that clever email for later, so I can tackle it after the first cup of coffee.

Some emails are so delightfully balanced, they give us the perfect illusion that we’re making a well-informed decision. By ourselves. As strong individuals who don’t give into the salesy tactics.

And these are the kinds of emails that are taking the business world by storm.

From spammy to savvy: choose your side

Imagine for a moment how big of a stride your business could make if you reached even a fraction of people who use email services.

However, to do that, you need to come to the bright side… Seriously, stop spamming people and start communicating.

Email is something we’ve been obsessing about at, so I thought I’d share with you some of the interesting things we discovered.

I asked my colleague, Ariele Krantzow (@arielekrantzow), who’s been working directly with small business owners to help them get over their fears of online marketing, to give us a quick roundup of the big email no-no’s.

As consumers, we deal with email marketing every day, even when we don’t want to. Why are marketers so persistent at creating them? The answer is simple – because they work!

According to, 44% of email recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email. Consumers spend hours of their day checking their inbox to see if there is anything useful or exciting for them inside. There is a lot of money to be made from sending out emails, but you can’t make money if people aren’t opening your email or clicking on the content inside!

Small business owners don’t have a luxury of large companies to hire email marketing experts and, therefore, miss out on potential sales opportunities daily. Just because they’ve made some classic, easily fixable mistakes with their email marketing campaigns.

5 Email Marketing Must-Haves For Small Businesses

  1. You don’t have an email list. No matter the size of your company, you should always be collecting emails for your list. Don’t think that you are too small to send out email campaigns. Gather emails from your website, from past and current customers, use social media and any other resources available to start building your list. As time goes on your list will grow and so will the devotion of your customers.
  2. You don’t think you have interesting content. Nonsense! Take some time each week or each month and put together some tips and tricks or a nice customer story and send it to your list, there are a ton of platforms that will help you design and distribute your emails for free. Remember, you are an expert in your business and the knowledge you have will inspire others.
  3. You are afraid to try something different. Go ahead, be daring. Do you have an idea that you think is too out there to try? Here’s a tip, go for it! Doing something different, even a little crazy may be the jolt you need to get some well-deserved attention from those inboxes.
  4. You don’t have the time. This the biggest mistake small business owners and entrepreneurs make when they decide not to use email marketing to the best of their abilities. We are all busy and while I agree that business owners are busier than others you should always put time aside to grow your business. Email marketing is one of the cheapest, easiest ways for you to do this. If you can set aside 1 hour a month to send out an email, start there. You’ll see how little time it takes to make a big impact.
  5. You are not consistent. As with everything else in life, consistency is key. If you decide that you can send out an email once a month, or once a week, stick with it. Think about your own inbox – every morning you probably delete 10 emails straight away, but you know that they will be there and let’s face it, once in awhile, you open one, click on it, and make a purchase. The mere fact that your brand name in their inbox creates stickiness, without your customer even having to open the email, makes it

Want your customers to open and click on your email? Join PeoplePerHour’s FREE 30-minute webinar with an Email Marketing expert to learn how you can improve your email campaigns.

FREE Live webinar Tuesday, 3 May 2016 2PM GMT/ 9AM EST. Register now!

Missed the Live webinar? Don’t worry, a recording will play immediately after registration.

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