When this question comes up in an interview it really gives you the chance to sell yourself.
Every question you are going to be asked in an interview is to give the interviewer the chance to get to know you better, your strengths, your qualifications for the role and your culture fit, so keep all of this in mind when answering. Here are some pointers to help you prepare for this question and some of the best sample answers:
First, do your research. Include your skills and experience related to those in the job description and how you would apply them to the role. If you really are struggling to come up with answers to this question why not ask family members and friends why they think you would be suitable for it. They might give you some answers that will help you.
Be Confident
Have confidence in the answer that you give. You don’t want to come across that you only just researched this answer or that you are uncertain that you actually will fit the role. Give the interviewer the confidence they are looking for in you to help them make their hiring decision.
Some bad answers include:
– I need the money.
– I need a job.
– It is closer to home for me.
Best answers examples: (personalize to the role you are interviewing for)
“Honestly, I almost feel like the job description was written with me in mind. I have the 6 years of programming experience you’re looking for, a track record of successful projects, and proven expertise in agile development processes. At the same time, I have developed my communication skills from working directly with senior managers, which means I am well prepared to work on high-profile, cross-department projects. I have the experience to start contributing from day one and I am truly excited about the prospect of getting started.”
“With my 12+ years experience in management, I have gained skills and experience that I could have only ever obtained through a first-hand experience. Whilst this is not without certain challenges I believe they have shaped my management style. Which have allowed me to determine what works best for myself and my team. As a result of this, we worked well together to efficiently and effectively achieve a set mutual aim.”
Best answer sample for college graduates:
“I have the experience and the attitude to excel in this assistant marketing position. I have experience from two summers interning at XL marketing, where I was exposed to all aspects of marketing online and offline and worked so hard the first summer that they invited me back for a second summer and gave me more responsibilities.
During my final year at UCC, I have been working part-time for a marketing company, where I have served in an intern role but also recently had the chance to help launch a campaign. I have a reputation for getting things done — and will take on any task that is required of me.
Have you ever got asked this question in an interview? What was your reply? Leave your comments below.
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