How to Be Productive While Working From Home

Hi, Welcome

by Alexa Lopresti March 10, 2016
March 10, 2016


Imagine a world where you don’t have to brave the winter elements or spend two hours of your day commuting in heavy traffic.

How does that sound? Pretty great, right? Now 25% of Americans are able to live this dream by working from home1. Working from home is awesome, but staying productive can be tough at times. Knowing that, we’ve put together a list of 6 ways to help you stay focused when you’re working from home.

Here are 6 ways that can help you be more productive while working from home:

Have an office space free from distractions

As tempting as it is to snuggle up on the couch with your pup and put some Netflix on in the background, it doesn’t make for a productive working from home environment.

Make sure you have an area in your home that is free from anything that could let you focus on anything than just your work. Also, make sure this set-up is video conference friendly (You don’t want your coworkers or supervisors to see you’re behind on your laundry).

Create to-do lists

Organization is essential no matter where you work, but especially while working from home. There is more flexibility in how you choose to work. As a result, extra attention is needed to make sure things are getting done on time. Whether it’s a good old fashioned legal pad or OneNote, ensure all things that need to get done are written down in front of you so you can stay on top of all your tasks. Mapping out your work day ahead of time by allocating how much time you’ll spend on each project is especially helpful.

Get out of the house

If you work from home consistently, you can get a little stir-crazy. In order to stay productive it is helpful to venture outside of your house for a change of scenery. Try a local coffee shop or meet up with a friend who also works from home. Or during a work break go for a walk to clear your mind.

Stay off of your personal social media

Although it may be tempting to look through pictures of your cousin’s honeymoon on Facebook, now isn’t the time to catch up on your social media stalking. Browsing the web or various social media channels is a sure-fire way to lose productivity. It may seem harmless, but you’re losing time and focus towards the tasks that really matter.

Stay connected during work hours

Make sure that you are available to your supervisors and coworkers during your work hours. Since they aren’t sitting by you in an office space, it is important to be ready to answer any questions and be there if any issues arise. Appropriate response time shows you are diligently working and dedicated to your job.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

If you’re new to the work from home scene, ask your team for tips on how they remain productive during the work day. You will be sure to gain some useful strategies that can help you be your best while working from home.

Working from home is great but can pose its own challenges. By applying some of these tips you can make the transition from office to home office as smooth as possible.


What are some ways you stay productive while working from home?



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