How to Change Your Search Location in 11 Steps

by Dalton Grant March 15, 2016
March 15, 2016

Last year, Google removed the option to set your search location.

For a company who delivers SEO services to clients on the local and international level, like SEO Inc., this adds an extra level of difficulty to our job sometimes.

Thankfully we have found a workaround. We have put together a quick 11-step SEO solution to changing your search position. By following these steps, you will be able to see search results from anywhere in the world, wherever your clients may be.

Once it is done the first time, it is as easy as getting new coordinates from Google maps and re-entering them.

Changing your search location to view SERPs on a non-local basis is as easy as following 11 steps.

How to Change Your Search Location

1. Go to search engine, and search any Query. (Also we are using Chrome, so the setup may look slightly different, but all the text words are used across the board)
2. Then click “Inspect Element”

Using the Inspect Element function can delve deeper into changing your search location.

3. The screen should appear as such on Chrome:

Chrome displays the inspected element with the option to

4. On the bottom Right Click “Emulation” and Enable it. You can choose any phone or keep default. Keep in mind changing the Device will change the size of the field, but this can be fixed by dragging.
5. Then Click “Sensors” and Select “Emulate Geolocation Coordinates”


6. From here you can see the set coordinates, and change them.
7. Next step is open a New Tab, and go to Google Maps
8. Search For a set city or location, and within the URL it will display the coordinates. (40.7053111, -74.258188)

Once you enter a city or location, a set of coordinates will show up.

9. Go back to the Sensors tab and change the coordinates. There is no “done” button or anything, once it is changed you can just continue to next step.
10. After that, scroll to the bottom of the SERP result and click “use precise location” and click Ok OR it will simply read Update location (if you have already done this, and want to change to another city)

When you go back to the next page, your location will have been updated.

11. The last step is to hit F5. This will refresh the entire SERP, so that it will show all Results from the set location:

Hit refresh, and presto! Your search location will show up in the SERP.

How to Change Search Location for National Level Clients

If your client is at a National Level, here are the Coordinates for entire “united states”:


These are actually the coordinates for Littlefield, Arizona, but if you play around with keyword usage, you will see that within the Local Map results that Google is picking up every business. But Arizona seems to be what they are using.

Google may be just trying to drive competition for its local 3 pack. Whatever the reason, you can now search anywhere to the benefit of your clients.

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