How to Combine Social Media with Email Subscribers to Boost Sales

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— March 22, 2019

Do you want to generate more sales from social media and from your email list? Of course you do, who doesn’t? So, how do you do it? It’s not as simple as promoting your products in emails and then promoting them on your social media platforms. Your social media presence and your email marketing shouldn’t be two separate entities — they should work together cohesively to promote your products/services. Social media is powerful and so is email marketing, so why not put them together to skyrocket your sales?

So, how can you integrate your social media efforts with your email marketing to get more conversions? Check out these tips for how to combine social media and email subscribers to boost sales.

Invite your email subscribers to join you on social media.

The first step to combining social media and emails subscribers is to invite your subscribers to join you on your social networks. After all, how will you get your email subscribers to follow you on all of your social media platforms if they don’t even know they exist? Plus, you don’t want to sit around hoping that your email subscribers will join you on social media. Rather, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to do so. So, email your subscribers and ask them to join you on social media.

Good America does this well in the email below. They boldly list all of their social media channels with links and ask their subscribers to join the #goodsquad by following. The use of the hashtag is especially effective. Subscribers will want to be members of this special group so they’ll be more likely to hit that follow button.

How to Combine Social Media with Email Subscribers to Boost Sales

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Don’t just send one email and be done with it either. You should be inviting your email subscribers to join you on social media in every single email. How do you do this without being annoying? At the bottom of each email, add small social media icons with links pointing to your profiles, which most email marketing services give you the opportunity to do. That way you provide your subscribers a convenient way to join you on social media with each email you send to their inbox.

Promote your email optins on social media.

On the other hand, if you want more of your followers on social media to join your email list so that you can promote your products to them directly, you need to promote your email optins on social media.

For instance, if you’ve created an awesome lead magnet (like a mini ebook, guide, or template) to encourage your website visitors to join your email list, share that lead magnet on social media too. Create a post to promote your lead magnet and include a link to a landing page on your website that’s designed specifically for your email signup. People love getting free things, so they’ll rush to sign up for your email list.

Share user-generated content.

Sharing your social media posts in emails to your subscribers is a good start to boosting engagement. But, if you want to generate more sales with social media and your email subscribers, you should start sharing user-generated content. User-generated content (UGC) is any form of content (images, videos, text, and audio) that have been posted by users on online platforms such as social media.

UGC works well to promote trust in your company and generate more sales because your audience can see that you have valued customers that are happy with your products/services. In fact, customer reviews are trusted 12 times more than marketing coming directly from the organization. So, add UGC to your email marketing campaigns.

How to Combine Social Media with Email Subscribers to Boost Sales

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Similar to the example above, you can show your email subscribers all of the many users on social media that are loving your company and your products which will encourage them to become customers too.

Retarget email subscribers on social media.

Another effective strategy to combine social media and email subscribers is retargeting. You might have heard of retargeting before. It’s a pixel you place on your website that allows you to “follow” your site visitors over to Facebook and shows them a targeted ad that convinces them to return to your site and buy. But did you know that you can retarget your email subscribers too?

It works in pretty much the same way. You add a line of code to your email signature or in the HTML of your email and then anyone who opens your email will be shown your ads all across the web, including on social media. Retargeting emails subscribers on social media is a must-do if you want to increase your conversions.

Over to you.

Get ready to make more sales! With these tips for combining social media and email subscribers, you can convert users into customers more than ever before. Start combining your social media and email marketing efforts today and you’ll soon start to see amazing results.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Chris Christoff

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