How To Come Up With Awesome Promotional Video Ideas

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July 10, 2015
Are you struggling to think of your next promotional video ideas? Well don’t panic! I’m here to help.

Promotional video ideas, where do I start?

Promotional video is a fantastic tool for any business; it can provide your business with huge publicity and exposure for relatively very little investment. When all things considered you could produce a video yourself that has the potential to get millions of views in a matter of days, the possibilities really are endless.

Unfortunately there are no guarantees that any old video will perform like this, to get the most out of a promotional video you need to combine

  • Clear understanding of your target viewers
  • Strong concept
  • Good idea
  • An engaging story to tie it all together

By telling an interesting and engaging story you will be in the best possible chance of getting maximum engagement and the highest return on investment!

Having personally watched thousands and thousands of corporate videos, all too many times promotional videos have failed to engage me due to poor concepts with little or no story line, this will bore or worse still irritate and annoy your viewers, losing their engagement. The last thing you want to do is fall into this trap with your next piece of promotional video production.

So how do I come up with ideas?

Creativity is everything; it’s what gives us the ability to come up with those great, truly engaging ideas. Unfortunately not all of us are creative and even those who are often benefit from external stimulants to help them make the most of it. Perhaps one of the most frustrating things about creativity is that you simply can’t force it. Creativity takes time and often strikes when you least expect it, however there are a few things you can do to help to encourage that creative flair. Below are 4 tips which I think you will find particularly useful when trying to boost creativity levels:

Place yourself in a positive environment

Perhaps one of the most important things for boosting creativity is being in a warming and positive place both mentally and physically; reports suggest that we are most creative in this state. Need to put yourself in a positive place? How about thinking of some great past memories or exciting future plans, even better; take some exercise – it really can work wonders.

Get Daydreaming

Seems a little bizarre to suggest daydreaming right? Well daydreaming turns out to be one of the most effective incubators for ideas around. According to research it is the perfect tool to help turn that gathered information into a novel and fresh idea, so get daydreaming! But remember, do your research first. Daydreaming is a little like a jigsaw – you can’t build it without first having the necessary pieces.

Thinking time

Einstein was once asked if he had an hour to come up with an idea, what would he do. He said he would spend 55 minutes thinking and 5 minutes coming up with an idea. This is the same for any creativity; it is all in the thinking. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t come up with a great idea in 5 minutes, an hour or even a day; these things take time and the more time you can spend thinking the better your idea.

Don’t fear failure

This is often people’s biggest creative block, they fear the possibility of failing. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with failing; failing is the one thing which teaches you more than anything else, if we never get anything wrong, then we can’t get anything right. If your first idea fails then get back up and try again, learn from your mistakes and do it better, if you keep trying, success is guaranteed.

What if I’m not particularly creative?

Perhaps you feel you are not the most creative person in the world. Well that’s no problem, everybody is better at different things. Life is all about making the most of what you are good at and letting other people take care of what you are not. Most video producers are very creative individuals who spend their life producing and thinking about video so their expertise could be invaluable in helping you producing a great promotional video.  By hiring a professional video producer you can remove the need to come up with creative ideas and get on with running your business.

I hope you have found some useful information in this article. Do you have any tips or comments about how you stimulate your creativity? Please let us know by commenting below! Looking for a video producer? At Video My Business we personally find you video producers for free!

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