Uncooperative clients and vendors got you down? Columnist Winston Burton gives his advice on how to overcome organizational hurdles to SEO success.
One of the most common problems in the SEO industry is that clients often do not implement their agencies’ SEO recommendations — and then they complain when they don’t get the results they expect from their SEO campaign (i.e., increases in visibility, traffic and conversions).
There are several reasons clients do not implement SEO recommendations, including:
- Not having the appropriate resources or time to make the recommended changes.
- Internal politics and red tape.
- Lack of qualified developers.
- High cost associated with the changes.
- No internal champion.
- Limitations to the CMS.
The bottom line: If they don’t implement any SEO changes, your clients’ brands are set up to fail.
For your clients to embrace and fully implement your SEO recommendations, some processes and procedures should be put in place. Here are three common challenges you may run into, and how to handle each.
[Read the full article on Search Engine Land.]
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