How to Fight Writer’s Block on Your Business Blog

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July 13, 2015

business blogEven when it might not feel like a priority, business blogging is a critical component of your business’ success. At times it may be tempting to give up on your business’ blog, but don’t do it — Hubspot reports that marketers who use blogs receive 67 percent more sales leads than those who don’t.

Here’s how you can sustain you blog easily while still juggling the other aspects of running your own business.

Get Focused

Sometimes, it’s all the little distractions that make creating content for your blog feel like a chore. If you are the sort who is easily distracted or tries to multitask while blogging, it’s time to cut out the distractions.

Everyone has their own personal creativity killer — maybe you like to watch movies while writing or are prone to checking your email a dozen times an hour instead of actually sitting down and writing. If this sounds like you, consider getting a distraction-eliminating program like WriteRoom or DarkRoom. Both programs essentially lock you into your writing window and eliminate anything that might be a distraction. Of course, it can’t turn off the TV in your office or living room, so much of the heavy lifting is still on you.

Once you lock out distractions, writing becomes less of a chore.

Stockpile Content

Sometimes we find ourselves struggling to keep up with the ideas pouring in. If this happens to you, embrace it and use this time to get ahead on your blogging work. Create a content calendar that is filled with your topic ideas, and when inspiration strikes, work your way through the topics. Design a website that allows you to store up several pieces of content in your queue, and release them on a set schedule. This way, new content will be set to go live on a steady schedule, leaving you free to think ahead about the new content still to come.

Read More

One of the quickest ways to get inspired is to read other people’s content. There are so many people blogging out there that you’re sure to find something that gets your creative juices flowing again. After all, reports that there are approximately 31 million bloggers in America alone.

If your creative tank is running low, take a look at what other people in your field are writing about. Oftentimes, they can provide you with insight into what is really relevant in your industry. Furthermore, reading your contemporaries’ blogs may give you a chance to see what is popular and what is falling by the wayside. If certain content is attracting readers, find out what about it is compelling, and keep it in mind when you start to create your own content. The other side effect of reading blogs is that you may find yourself becoming a better writer through immersion.

Take a moment to recharge your batteries and you might just find yourself refreshed and ready to write again, backed by new ideas for exciting content.

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