How to Get Your Sites SEO In Shape for the Holidays

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— November 25, 2016

The holiday season is a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of the increasing sales that hit practically every industry. People are in a good mood and they have money to spend. But your SEO must be in shape otherwise you’re not going to be able to take advantage of the holidays like you wanted to.

So how do you get your site’s SEO ready for the holidays?

Are You Ready for Mobile?

Every brand should be ready for mobile now. If you’re not yet mobile friendly the chances are Google has already penalized you for it and you’ve tumbled down the search results. Your site’s theme should be responsive, which means it can adjust to any device. Check to see if your site is optimized by accessing it through a mobile device.

Many new themes are responsive, so you may already be mobile-friendly without even knowing it.

Perform an SEO Audit

The beginning of your holiday SEO push should involve a general SEO audit to make sure that all your links are working, that your keywords are relevant, and your content has been completely updated. An SEO audit can be performed by yourself, but you may want to bring in a professional to provide some specialist advice.

Create Dedicated Holiday Pages

People may not be searching for your products like they would the rest of the year. The chances are they’re looking for dedicated holiday deals. To rank for these, you should create dedicated holiday landing pages. Make sure you include your usual selection of on-page SEO tactics so you rank highly for your new dedicated holiday pages.

You may have to tweak and test your landing pages to get the combination that attracts people to your brand.

Start Pushing Out Holiday Content

Your whole site must be in the festive spirit to make sure that Google is going to rank you for the correct holiday search terms. Holiday content should be pushed out at the earliest possible opportunity to give it a chance to rank. Holiday content could be anything from written content to special offers and products.

Holiday content should be planned for Google and for your target audience. One of the most important things to remember is that Google will rank your website based on how ordinary people respond to your content. Social media and SEO are closely connected.

Team Up with Other Holiday Blogs Now

This is the time of year where people are searching for gifts in areas they don’t understand. They’re likely to visit blogs that can help them out with deciding what they want to buy and what they want to do. This is the time to get your brand name front and center.

You already know that guest blogging is an effective method of improving your SEO ranking and brand recognition. The key to your success is to launch your collaborations at the right time.

At the start of the holiday period you should publish your guest posts and get your name out into the open. If Google sees your name spread out everywhere, with a solid holiday campaign behind it, they’re going to elevate you for your chosen search terms.

Conclusion – Ranking in the Holiday Season

Where you rank in the holiday season is largely dependent on what you’re doing the rest of the year. If you already have a strong SEO foundation to build on, you’ll find it much easier to get a high ranking when the festive season arrives. It underlines just how important a constant drive for SEO success is.

How are you going to make sure that your holiday SEO campaign doesn’t flop?

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Author: Victoria Heckstall

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