Every blogger started with no traffic. Some bloggers are at that point right now and are looking for ways to get more traffic. This is the learning process, and it is a necessary process to go through if you want to have a successful blog. Some of these bloggers now generate full-time incomes from their blogs, and some of these people get hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors. Those are the crazy numbers that everyone aspires to achieve for themselves.
So the question people ask when they are not getting many visitors is, “How do I go from zero blog traffic to a global audience?” Having a global audience requires the combination of multiple factors working together.
The first thing you must do is grow your social media audience. Having a large social media audience serves the following benefits:
- Social proof. People will take you more seriously if they see you have a large social media audience. If one person with 10,000 Facebook fans came out with a book containing Facebook tips and another person with 1 million Facebook fans came out with a book containing Facebook tips, and both books were sold at the same price and had the same number of pages, which book would you buy? Many people would go with the book written by the person with 1 million Facebook fans.
- Better SEO. Search engines take social media very seriously in their ranking algorithms. By growing your social media audience and getting more traffic from your social networks, you will also get more search engine traffic. For this blog, increases in my social media traffic almost always result in more SEO traffic. Having a big audience on social media means more social shares which is an area of social media that search engines take into strong consideration when ranking blogs for certain keywords.
- Visibility. Social media is the most valuable free platform on the web. Many people on social media have gone from no audiences to audiences of thousands for the affordable price of $ 0. Social media makes it easy for you to interact with your audience. Interacting with the people in your audience will allow you to strengthen the relationships between you and various people following you on your social networks. Some of these people may become your future customers.
If you want to reach a global audience faster, then you need to implement multiple things at the same time. While you grow your social media audience, build your email list. I wrote a free eBook about getting more subscribers which you can download here. You must use an emailing service such as iContact or Aweber to grow your email list. These two services and others make it easy to do the following:
- Communicate with your audience through email about your latest blog posts, products, etc.
- Create custom list and autoresponders for each of your free prize giveaways
- Fix problems. iContact has superior customer service, and from what I have heard, Weber’s customer service is top-notch as well.
The money is in the list. Don’t make the mistake of waiting until your blog starts to get hundreds of daily visitors before using an emailing service. My blog got over 150,000 visitors before I started taking my email list seriously. It was a mistake that cost me thousands of blog subscribers. Don’t make the same mistake.
Finally, there’s SEO which at times can be a mystery. However, SEO works. Not only does it work, but it can be very effective. Neil Patel, who regularly gets hundreds of thousands of monthly blog visitors, reported that 40.51% of his blog’s traffic came from Google. His email list and social media were also big contributors to his blog traffic.
SEO works if you know how to use it. I created an entire infographic that goes into detail about how you can improve your blog’s SEO. The Yoast SEO plugin is the best WordPress plugin to have for boosting SEO. Blog speed and backlinks are two other SEO-boosting factors, and both get discussed in detail in the infographic. One method discussed in the infographic is using your new content to link back to your old content, but you can also use your old content to link back to your new content.
In Conclusion
Social media success, a big email list, and SEO success are the three critical components that you must achieve in order to go from zero blog traffic to a global audience. Going from no audience to a global audience does take time, even if you have the necessary knowledge to get there. You must take social media, an email list, and SEO seriously for more than one day. If you want a global audience, you must take those three things seriously for months and years to come.
Even the most successful bloggers are trying to reach more people. They are looking towards social media, their email lists, and SEO among other things. A blog’s success is not just about the blog. It is about the rallying forces that support one another. Those rallying forces acting together are what result in successful blogs.
What were your thoughts on the methods discussed in this article? Do you have any other tips to grow an audience? Please share your thoughts and advice below.
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