Facebook is sometimes incredibly frustrating for marketing. We love it because we can reach our fans in a more intimate way, but the frequent changes they make to the algorithms are maddening. Businesses often resort to purchasing ad or “boosting posts” in order to make sure that their posts are reaching the audience. That strategy can get expensive quick.
So what is a business owner to do? Thankfully, there has been several studies done to give us some answers. The first rule is that you must first create or share great content. You want to think of yourself as a content curator. Imagine your business page is your company’s museum, you want to share the interesting, the factual, and the beautiful tidbits from your world. You also want to share material from other sources that relates back to what your company does; think of them as temporary exhibits. Your goal is to have people want to visit your business page because it contains information that relates to them. If you are doing that, you are off to a great start.
Here are 5 other tips to expand your reach:
Embedding—Another way to get users on your website to your Facebook is by embedding your post on your blog. This way they will be able to interact with your Facebook content off of Facebook.
- Give Them a Reason—At the end of your post, give your fans a reason to comment or like. You can either ask questions or give an incentive for liking.
- Mix It Up—Most marketers know that images attract the eye better when it comes to Facebook posts. But don’t feel that you have to have one for every status. Branch out with video or a poll.
- Don’t Go for the Big Fish—If you’re company continually shares posts from big names in your industry, you might consider targeting mid-size companies. They are more likely to share your content in return than the bigger guys.
- Insights—I’m sure by now you are familiar with the insights for your page, but remember to check back frequently. Especially your post data, make sure that you are posting at the times most of your fans are active. If you aren’t, it’s just that many more eyes you are missing out on.
It really boils down to finding out what posts work best for your page and your fans. Take the time to review your insights and develop a cohesive, constant content marketing strategy. Don’t start out hot and heavy posting and not be able to keep it up over a certain amount of time. You want to build a relationship with your fans and that isn’t done if you post a few times and then disappear.
Do you have any other tips for increasing your Facebook reach? Talk to us in the comments.
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