How To Increase Revenue From Apps [Infographic]

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by Brian Wallace December 18, 2015
December 18, 2015

The whole point of apps is to make money, especially if they are a free download.  The idea is to get a whole bunch of people to use it so those ad revenues that clock in at a couple of dollars per person are multiplied by tens of thousands of users, thus making your app profitable.  Unfortunately it’s not always easy to tell if you are getting the most out of your revenue streams.  You need to figure out your effective cost per mille to determine whether you are making a decent profit off your app across multiple different platforms.

Eyeballs are the most important part of the equation, though.  The more eyeballs you get on your app, the more money it makes.  They key is to make sure you are getting as many eyeballs as possible on there, and that’s not always easy.  Keep your app clean so it will appeal to a wider audience.  Consider using targeting software to get your app in front of people who will be the most likely to use it.

It’s also important to use the most effective revenue streams for your app.  Not all revenue streams work the same way.  You may want to try different ones to see which one is capturing the most profit for your app.  This will involve determining the eCPM for each one so you will have an apples-to-apples comparison.  Then you can tweak things like ad placement in order to find the most effective way to make money from your app.

Make sure you are earning as much as possible from your apps.  If you don’t optimize your revenue streams, you may just be leaving money on the table.  Learn more about eCPM and how it can help you make the most of your app’s revenue from this infographic.


Infographic courtesy of StartApp

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