A business that follows the Six Sigma principles is one that focuses upon maximizing customer value and minimizing waste at the same time. In other words, you want to be able to give your customers a lot of value through your products and services, but you want to use the fewest amount of resources as possible in the process.
You can integrate the principles of Six Sigma into just about every aspect of your organization, including your social media campaign. Keep reading to learn more about how to apply Six Sigma principles with social media.
Testing and Measuring Ideas
Because you use social media to promote your business, it’s a great way to test out ideas. Testing and measuring your ideas through tracking and good analytics will ensure that you know what ideas to abandon because they will not work and which ones to stick with because they have the potential to do a lot more.
While you can certainly test out things like email marketing messages and blog posts, you can also test out your social media posts, regardless of the platform. This will let you identify what truly speaks to your target audience and attracts them. Then you can use this information to flesh out a content marketing strategy that truly works, saving you money and maximizing your customers’ satisfaction.
Try Out Online Marketing at a Low Cost
Digital marketing on social media is a great approach to take if you are trying to run a business based on Six Sigma principles, because social media advertising is measurable, affordable and really easy to modify. Many times, you can get real-time analytics, and you can also re-target your social media ad campaigns and change them within just a matter of hours if you realize that you are not getting the results that you are hoping for. This allows you to test out what truly works for your business so you can get rid of what doesn’t and streamline the way that you operate and market yourself to the masses.
Connect with Your Target Audience
With Six Sigma the idea is to back up your strategy with statistical evidence. And, again, if you use social media, you can really test out what works and what doesn’t work with your target audience. But once you find what works with your initial test audience, you can probably figure out that it will also work quite well on a larger group of people as well. This will further allow you to save money while maximizing value.
Social media gives you a free and easy way to connect with your customers, to hear their concerns, and to appeal to their needs. Therefore, it is definitely a marketing strategy that you should implement, particularly if you are trying to run a Six Sigma-based organization. Once you learn the principles of Six Sigma, you will be able to integrate them surprisingly easily into your social media plan.
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