If you own a blog, you’re probably wondering how and when you can start to make money from it. Many businesses maintain blogs to grow their audience, cultivate relationships with readers, and increase revenue. In fact, companies that blog receive 434 percent more indexed pages and 55 percent more website visitors.
But how exactly do you get your blog to this level?
In 2020, there are more than a few options to choose from so you can make money blogging. If your blog sits stagnant on the internet with no one to engage with it, then no one benefits.
If you want to start making money from your blog this year, here are a few tips to help you get started.
Market to the Right Audience
It doesn’t matter what stellar promotional tactics you use or what connections you have; if you don’t produce high-quality content for your blog, you won’t attract any readers.
Think about it: in one month alone, people worldwide view more than 20 billion blog posts. With so much content readily available, your readers have a lot to choose from. You can make the decision easy for them by consistently providing value.
The best and easiest way to offer value is by marketing to the right audience. Your target market is the group of people your brand specifically caters to. If you try marketing to everyone, the right audience will never see your content, so it’s important to narrow down your target.
Research your competitors to see what their audiences want and what they’re struggling with. Track your site analytics to assess where readers spend the most time on your blog. Take notes on what content they share, like, and comment on the most. Send surveys asking your readers what they want to see from your blog in the future.
Build an Email List
What if you could keep track of your most loyal readers so you could engage with them and move them through the sales funnel? By building an email list, you do just that.
Over time, your blog should rack up its readership, and as it does, you want to stay connected to your subscribers to get the most out of your following.
There are several benefits to building an email list:
- Building strong relationships with readers. By sending them relevant content, you continue to provide them with the information they need.
- Sending personalized, targeted messages. Email segmentation is proven to boost your conversion rate as it caters to specific needs and interests.
- Converting subscribers into customers. It’s easier for users to move through the sales funnel when they’re informed about your brand and gain familiarity.
But how do you rack up your subscribers? Start by creating free, relevant lead magnets and inserting them into your blog posts.
While the lead magnets themselves won’t earn you money, they will build your email list and earn you loyal subscribers who are likely to turn into paying customers.
Around 57 percent of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog, likely through an email list. Making money from blogging is a marathon, not a race. Because of all the readily available competition, mainly from big brands, you need to focus on the progress instead of the end goal.
Use Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing scares some people, but it shouldn’t. It’s simply another tactic to earn money online by promoting worthy products and services. When you recommend a product to your audience by using special links, you get paid every time they click through and purchase.
Have you ever seen a post online encouraging you to click on a referral link or buy a product for a percentage off? That’s affiliate marketing at play. By actively recommending another brand’s products, you receive a referral commission and boost your passive income.
With affiliate marketing, you choose what products you want to promote so you can still create an authentic selling experience. Since 92 percent of consumers trust recommendations from those they know, including brands, the referrals you add to your blog posts can provide you with a lucrative income.
Make sure you promote products and services relevant to your brand and blog content. If you’re a cooking blog, recommending a clothing brand in your posts wouldn’t make sense. You want your promotions to align with your content so you increase your chances of making money from your blog.
Your Turn
Making money from blogging takes patience and time, but it’s well worth the effort you put into it. By knowing your target readers, building a sturdy email list, and leveraging affiliate marketing, you too can make money from your blog. How will you earn an income through blogging?
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