The future is bright for video marketing and there’s no doubt about it. At present, more than 64 percent of the world’s Internet population prefers to watch videos rather than read text. According to industry forecasts, this ratio is going to hit 80 percent by 2019. Moreover, 85 percent of businesses are already capitalizing on video marketing with greater success.
Why Internet Users Like Videos?
Videos are powerful. Unlike text, videos can be more engaging, persuading and entertaining, and people just love to watch videos. However, the most important factor to take into account is the undeniable fact that Internet users are becoming more savvy and shrewd in their information consumption behaviors, switching to a variety of places on the basis of their need for information. For example, they turn to YouTube when in need of music, DIY ideas, and gaming content whereas Instagram is a go-to place when it comes to viewing behind the scenes videos of products, film stars, sports personas, and other celebrities.
The Window of Opportunity Opened by Video Marketing
Video marketing is growing at the speed of light. Companies and products that ignore the medium or fail to integrate video marketing in their overall online marketing strategy are losing customers. Remember, video marketing is becoming a ‘do or die’ thing for businesses. It has already secured its place as one of the best and most effective lead generation strategies. Furthermore, it is among the best channels for creating awareness and delivering your marketing message to your target market. Video is not only the best channel to walk your customers across all the points of sales funnel, but also easy to track and collect metrics about viewership, engagement, and leads generation.
Example of Video Marketing
Using Facebook as a video marketing medium is on the rise, and businesses are benefitting from the social network by publishing their own video content. Remember, the social networking giant recently announced that one billion people used the site in a single day, which means that at an average of 4 videos per user, 4 billion videos are watched on Facebook per day. Of course, Facebook counts auto-play of videos as views, but only if the auto-play is for at least 3 seconds.
Whether or not you agree with Facebook’s auto-play video view counts, it is still contributing to your video’s view count and generating viewer interest. However, auto-play goes into play only if you have uploaded the video directly to Facebook. Videos coming from YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo etc. wouldn’t let you benefit from the auto-play function of Facebook.
If you seriously want to reap the benefits of Facebook, uploaded your videos directly to your page on the social network, and also make use of featured videos and playlist features. A number of celebrities and brands are already harvesting the benefits of Facebook video marketing.
To sum it up, video is the future of digital marketing and you should never underestimate the power of video marketing. Always remember to select your medium carefully and judiciously. Make sure to choose a medium your target market uses, so your video can get maximum views.
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