If you own or manage marketing for a small business, I probably don’t need to tell you that video can have a major impact on your business. But in case I do need to tell you… Hey… You… video can have a major impact on your business.
Content is king
I have always believed, and still do, that quality of the content comes first. That goes for video, audio, websites and really any marketing message.
I would rather you film a video with poor quality, bad lighting, spotty sound that has a compelling message than a professionally polished video that is boring.
Putting a pretty wrapper on something will not make the quality of the content better. You can put lipstick on a pig… but it’s still a pig.
Production value should be better
Today in 2015 people do expect a higher production value. Again, content comes first. But putting your best foot forward with production quality can make a huge difference.
If you have the money, the best way is to hire a professional. They will do a better job than you’ll ever be able to do no matter what kind of equipment you have. They know how to use their equipment better than you do. And they can edit better and faster.
If you need a referral for a great videographer, just get in touch with me. But if you don’t yet have the budget, there are ways to do it very inexpensively in your home. In this video series I am covering some fundamentals for setting up your home studio and then shooting the best video you can.
Here’s the video:
This video was shot using my iPhone 6. I used iMovie on my Mac to edit it.
On the video, I promised I’d share my list of equipment. By the way, these are not affiliate links. In 2011 Connecticut imposed a sales tax measure that would tax any purchases made online. So companies like Amazon shut us affiliates down. Thanks much, Governor Malloy!
The equipment
The entire setup, if you get exactly what I have, will cost you about $ 336 plus shipping. Not too bad for the quality you can get.
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