How to Start Automating Your Solo Biz TODAY

Hi, Welcome

— November 3, 2016

I don’t like not having time for the things I love.

It’s always been that way.

In high school, I didn’t want to choose between dance and musical theater, so I stayed at school until 9 p.m. most nights attending rehearsals for both.

In college, I didn’t want to choose one thing I loved to study. So I ended up with a double major and double minor.

And now, I don’t want to choose between working in content marketing and running my own blogs, so I spend my nights and weekends doing more of what I do at my day job. And I don’t want to choose between that and dance classes, so I keep one night a week free to do that, too.

To me, time was never an okay reason to give up something I loved.

Did I sometimes push myself too far to fit everything in? Of course, I’m a recovering overachiever and perfectionist, and a lot of those activities happened before I learned some super important #lifelessons.

But for the most part, I purposely crammed my days, weeks, years with crazy schedules for years and still functioned as well as one can.

I was – by most people’s definitions – “too busy” for, like, 10 years – without having to give up on sleep and without being burnt out all the time. In fact, I so carefully planned how I would juggle everything that in reality, I’m usually happier the busier I am, because my time’s full of things I love and not things that drain me.

However, I will admit that for the most part, this isn’t the case. Normally, busy means drained. Overworked. Tense. Stressed.

Here’s why being busy works for me right now:

  • I’m not busy doing things I find boring or menial – they’re things that fulfill and energize me, like marketing, dancing, and running this business.
  • I still have “me” time – no matter, what I spend at least 2 hours each day doing something to just chill.

And most importantly…

  • I’m working smart, maybe even brilliantly – I’m not doing nearly as many things as most solopreneurs, and my biz is growing at the same rate, because I spend my time on what will matter.

The rest? I ditch it or automate it.

Learn how to start automating your solo biz TODAY

If we’ve hung out before, you already know all about my automation adoration. If we haven’t, here’s what you need to know: I love automation, and it’s how I have time to do so many damn things all the time.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately – I talk so much about how to do it, but I haven’t answered those basic, basic questions: what it is, why you should care, and how to get started.

So on Saturday, that’s gonna change. With a free webinar!

*points left* You get a webinar! *points right* YOU get a webinar! *points everywhere* We alll get freeeee webinars!


Excuse my Oprah moment. Or don’t. I love Oprah and I’m not sorry for it.

Anyway, yes. I’m answering all those questions you’ve all been sending me, all at once. Yee-haw!

Join me on Saturday, November 5 at 2pm EST to be part of the magic.

You’ll get to learn:

  • What this geeky sounding “workflow automation” is all about (hint: it’s not really geeky or techy at all).
  • Why it’s the besttt productivity and time management technique for solo biz owners…by far!
  • How to choose what to kick off your to-do list and start automating first.
  • Which parts of running an online creative business are easiest to start automating – think of this section like a giant “start here” sign for using automation.
  • The best tools – for both your biz and your budget – to start automating your business with today.
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Author: Brittany Berger

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