How to Turn an Ordinary Client into Your Biggest Fan

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December 11, 2014


Everyone wants to keep their clients happy, that’s no secret. But beyond that, what’s the next step in a client relationship?

Taking your satisfied client and turning them into a brand advocating brand. If you’re willing to go above-and-beyond to satisfy and impress your clients, it will pay off. You’ll see a growth in repeat business, they’ll refer you to their friends and colleagues, and they will publicly proclaim your efforts which will result in a boost to your reputation.

But how do you turn your run-of-the mill client into your number one fan? It takes a unique approach, understanding their wants and needs and exceeding their expectations.

Anticipate Future Needs

You don’t need to be a psychic, but you still should have a pretty basic idea from working with them in the past. You should be mindful of what they’re looking for. Present them with ideas you know they’ll like, and connect them with the people and resources they need to make these things happen.

Open their eyes to new ideas for things they can do to make their business stronger in the future; they’ll deeply appreciate it if you can help them come up with their next new idea.

Free Publicity

Any time you get the chance to boast about your children, you are probably going to right? Imagine these clients are your children, and you’re so proud of them that you want to boost their reputation everywhere in your power.

This costs you close to nothing, but will making a lasting impression in the eyes of your client. Consider working the client into a relevant publication for a showcase you’re working on or write up an article and submit it to a relevant blogger in the industry.

Corporate Hospitality

The best way to build quality relationships with your big clients is in a stress-free and relaxing environment. If you can show them an experience of a lifetime as well, they’re sure to always associate that amazing time with you.

There are companies that offer corporate hospitality packages that are custom designed to meet the needs of you and your clients. Global Events for example, offers a lot of unique experiences with your clients to foster invaluable relationships.

Client Insight

Most importantly and many times forgotten, listening to your customers can be a huge advantage in retaining their service. We know (from listening to our customers) that today in our digital age our customers are all about convenience and instant satisfaction.

Sales teams can now be equipped with mobile apps to make a sale at any moment when the customer so desires. Even better for your customer, the process can take as little as 5 minutes from start to finish. Sales order apps like Pepperi provide the salesperson with all of the previous orders and customer history make this experience better for both you and the client.

You’ve definitely got what it takes to amaze your clients and turn them into your biggest fans. It’s just a matter of taking personal care in assessing each client differently and evaluating their wants and needs.

Surpass their expectations by integrating some of these ideas into your business plan and you’ll be sure to see a growth in your fan club.

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