How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads

>By , Published October 29, 2014

Blowing hot and cold

We’ve all been there.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngYou’ve struck up a rapport with your prospect. You’ve qualified them to the point where a scope of work has been agreed. Perhaps, a contract has even been drawn up and sent over.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngThen…nothing.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngNo response to your emails. Your calls are ignored. Your previously warm lead has ‘gone cold’.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngSometimes, though, this cooling off doesn’t occur so infuriatingly close to a closed deal.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngThe Harvard Business Review did some excellent research in 2011 (sadly – despite huge demand in the comments section – there has been no subsequent study) looking at how long it took 2,241 US companies to respond to a web-generated test lead:

How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngAlthough 37% responded to their lead within an hour, and 16% responded within one to 24 hours, 24% took more than 24 hours—and 23% of the companies never responded at all. The average response time, among companies that responded within 30 days, was 42 hours.

How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngIn a separate study in the same year, HBR found that firms that tried to contact potential customers within an hour of receiving a query were nearly seven times as likely to qualify the lead (which HBR defined as “having a meaningful conversation with a key decision maker”) as those that tried to contact the customer even an hour later—and more than 60 times as likely as companies that waited 24 hours or longer.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngFundamentally, regardless of where it happens in the sales engagement process – whether at the start or nearing the finishing line of a closed deal – a warm lead can go cold at any moment.

When a warm lead goes cold

It’s helpful to remember that when a warm lead goes cold, it’s not the same as that lead being “lost”.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngPerhaps the individual in question had another more urgent issue to deal with or a corporate priority emerged that had to be addressed. Maybe another competing supplier appeared on the scene, and they’ve decided to take more time to consider the options. Or maybe the prospective client got just was not ready to pull the trigger. Without any more lead insight, it is difficult to know what to do.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngHere is where your content marketing should be an imperative asset for Sales.

Using content to re-engage cold leads

How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngThis information is what will keep a customer nurtured until they’re ready to purchase rather than move on the next piece of content. The real trick to making this work is understanding the needs of a customer around the time they’re considering a purchase.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngHow To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.png

  • 1-2-1 Sales reachout with content

A personal one-to-one reachout by the salesperson can work wonders if it is not too nakedly salesy. It will mean you start sending pieces of content to leads with subject headers such as:How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALL BREAK .png

“I saw this and thought of you…”

“This might be of use…”

“Remember when we spoke about this?”

Use the unique understanding of each lead that you’ve garnered from talking and listening to them to inform which piece of content you send to them. We all appreciate help, so use content to present yourself as an advocate for their success first, rather than just another sales op trying to close them.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.png

  • Nurture campaign

Marketing automation has meant that previously cold leads that would have had to be abandoned by Sales because of various constraints can now be nurtured with a constant drip of automated communications by Marketing.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngAs with a 1-2-1 reachout, take a few pieces of valuable content like case studies, industry recognition, or even just a simple “is now a better time” personal messages and put them to work in your marketing automation system.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngUnlike the 1-2-1 sales reachout, nurture campaigns enable a longer view of gently touching base with a prospect – perhaps over a 90 or 120 day time horizon (or longer if your sales cycles are very long). You’ll be surprised at the engagement that comes from simply following up over a longer time horizon than this month or this quarter.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.png

  • Let inbound marketing do its job

After a point a lead might be so unresponsive that even a prolonged nurture campaign will not be enough to reactivate them. At this point, there is little Sales or Marketing can do other than ‘kicking’ the lead out of the system.How To Use Content To Reengage Cold Leads image SMALLER BREAK.pngYet here, too, content plays an important role. By simply committing to content marketing, an abandoned or ‘lost’ lead may well find themselves once again reactivate themselves by consuming content on your company blog or social media feed or a piece of native advertising. Each interaction ultimately leading them to becoming a warm lead once again.

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