How to Write a “Cool” LinkedIn Recommendation in 5 Minutes

Hi, Welcome

A LinkedIn recommendation is a written testimonial, permanently displayed on your profile.

Written recommendations are invaluable because a professional who knows the caliber of your work is vouching for your capabilities publicly.

It’s the best way to acknowledge a great colleague or a terrific referral source. And I write them usually without solicitation to “wow” my receiver and pay it forward.

Keywords strings should be included within a recommendation to contribute to her/his LinkedIn profile SEO (search engine optimization).

How to get started

You’ll find the LinkedIn recommendation on the personal page, from the drop-down menu under “more…”

5 easy steps to write your LinkedIn recommendation.

  1. Start the LinkedIn recommendation with an instantly appealing topic sentence.“Rare to find his talent” or “If you look up Dr. Joseph A. Wineman in Wikipedia, his photo will be there under US Army Dental Commander, now President, Executive Committee of Southern Nevada Society.”
  2. Then, describe your relationship. Provide contextual information about how you worked together, what you worked on, what deliverables occurred. Let the reader understand why you are qualified to write the recommendation. “Roy Assad is like a supernova, a fire burning brightly within to lift up others. He is a phenomenal executive coach who helped (name redacted) unlock her true potential.”
  3. Include a stand-out personality trait for the LinkedIn recommendation. Zane Zumbahlen is extraordinarily savvy about the art and science of human potential and works as a true collaborator. He has boundless energy and aims for the constellations each and every time — and gets there!”
  4. Next, add a personal anecdote. “She was the liveliest person at our 6 pm meetings when volunteering for Susan G. Komen.”
  5. Finish with a glowing positive statement like “She earns my highest recommendation because has top-notch knowledge about the latest robotic procedures known on the planet.”

Your Key LinkedIn Takeaways:

  1. Don’t let another distraction deter your time away from supporting your referring sources.
  2. Include potential keywords within your recommendation for SEO reasons and searchability.
  3. Job seekers (active or stealth) earn public testimonials from peers, colleagues, subordinates or supervisors, important in this competitive economy.
  4. The testimonial will deepen the relationship and provide credible information to anyone who is vetting your colleague or you, before accepting a LinkedIn invite.
  5. That indelible link (ink) between your LinkedIn profile and theirs will stay there forever unless suppressed by either of you.

Consider your own network — could you lift someone up with a written recommendation today?

Originally published here.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: DB Wienke

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