How to Write an Awesome Newsletter

by Ivana Kitanovic March 10, 2016
March 10, 2016

Your company is facing tough times deciding how to engage customers and even gain new ones. You come up with a solution: email newsletter. That’s only the beginning of the story. Composing the right newsletter that would captivate recipients is a tough job that requires a great deal of devotion and time. You might get lost in endless options and stuff it with information that’s worth nothing to recipients.

That’s why you should follow me carefully as I will show you some points on how to write an awesome newsletter and be successful at it.

The image of today

young woman taking pictures

Do you know what happens when readers open your newsletter and all they see is a huge picture of your logo or some other non-relevant image? It’s obvious. They’ll send it in the Trash folder. You don’t want that, do you? Well, that’s where I come in to tell you that it is very important to put a header image, matching your content or the season. People like to see a wonderfully themed newsletter that would reflect the circumstances. That would make them continue reading the message. Just make sure to leave some space for the message to be shown clearly.

For example, if you’re sending the newsletter in winter close to the Christmas holidays, then you may as well put a picture with reindeer or a Christmas tree or anything else to boost the mood and make the message more interesting.

Here’s a tool to help you create the perfect header image.

The subject line is the new ‘hello’

new product on chalkboard

Honestly, even if you’ve created the most awesome email newsletter chances are that people may not open it. Reading the most compelling subject line that would trigger their thoughts is just the right thing to make your newsletter seen. As it is the first written line they see in their inboxes, no wonder the readers can act like that. But don’t worry! There’s a way for you to make everyone click your newsletter and distinguish it from the jungle of spam emails readers receive every day. Just be creative and don’t let the too serious tone drag you down. What I mean by this is to abandon the will to tell everything in the title. Write what lies in your heart. Yes. Honesty and naturalness are surely going to bring you more subscribers and people interested in your idea.

Phew! I know words can be tiring so let’s put them into action. Take a look at these two subject lines and decide which one you would rather write in your newsletter:

  • We have the new high-heels collection
  • Brand new high-heels are in town! Don’t miss out!

You see, the both of them are short and concise but somehow the second one is more appealing, don’t you think? With it not only that you tell your customers that you have the new collection of heels but you call them to do something about it, too. That’s your purpose with sending them the newsletter, is it not?

Try this tool to see if your subject line is good enough to meet your expectations and the ones of the recipients.

Get the crowd on the feet

The newsletter is a newsletter when it features multiple calls to action (CTAs) amidst the content. That’s logical, considering the fact that you aim at increasing your subscribers, customers or your sales. But, that doesn’t mean at all that CTAs should have equal importance. People like to be guided and you will do just that by placing one of the CTAs as a main one. It would pull the whole action of the subscribers with it. The others may have an option “in-case-you-want-to-know-more” or something like that.

For example, if you sell pizza and your newsletter is all colorful and tasty with images of delicious slices filled with cheese and ham, it should also contain a phrase telling the reader what to do such as “Order a slice of pizza here”, “Request a take-out”, “Choose a type” and so on and so on.

By writing the CTA above every single piece of other information in your newsletter, you increase your chances of gaining more clicks and thus providing more success to your company or yourself.

Readability + Concision + Minimalism = PERFECT!!!

hands typing

Imagine you send a ‘tome’ to your subscribers and expect them to read it and cooperate in its idea. No, no and no. Nowadays, people don’t have time to read a newsletter crammed with information and takes forever to finish. For that reason, common are the newsletters with more white space and little text in the middle organized in small paragraphs or bullet points. We don’t have minimalism for nothing, do we? Write one like that yourself if you want the recipients to stay and understand what you’re asking of them.

Head to Tom Fishburne’ Marketoonist, for instance. You’ll see how this marketing master crafts interesting newsletters and draws what he wants to say to his subscribers. That way they recognize his intention telling everything he wants to say with less words. As you can see, usually the main blog post is constructed in a way that it has one large comic. It is accompanied by a few small paragraphs of introduction and a link to wherever he wants to take the readers (in your case let it be your blog or your company’s website). The rest of the newsletter has more visual and tiny components adding up to the whole experience. That makes the letter easy to read and simple to find your way through.

A is the only acceptable grade on the test

grade A

Finally, before hitting the ‘send’ button make sure you test everything and recheck if everything has its right place. Also don’t forget to throw a look at the emails of the recipients to make sure that no one’s missing and that everyone would get the newsletter. Doing this is very important for your image in the eyes of your subscribers and for the success you are trying to achieve through the newsletter. No grammar mistakes or incorrect usage of words and pictures are tolerated and can only lead to unsatisfied recipients that you wouldn’t want even in your worst nightmare. That’s why implement the old saying “measure twice, cut once” and check everything when you’re done.

I think that’s pretty much all there is to know if you want to begin writing the perfect newsletter. Following these points and constructing an email newsletter is very important for your online self and for the prosperity of your company. Without this vital part of your marketing strategy, you risk losing the existent customers or not gaining new ones and with that put the whole future of your business at stake. That’s why go and write awesome newsletters and tell us how you did in the comment

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