How to Write Blogs Your Customers Want to Read

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How to Write Blogs Your Customers Want to Read

Writing blogs can wear you down. Even the most adept wordsmith can find themselves bereft of ideas when writing about the same product for the umpteenth time. Is it just a dream, you wonder, that your words will make customers yearn for your next offering, delight in your product and buy from you? And isn’t there an easier way to do it?

We feel your pain – but keep going. Recent research shows that companies who blog get 97% more links to their websites. 72% of marketers cite content creation as their most effective SEO activity. The blog ain’t dead yet; it remains central to content marketing strategy. So how can you keep it fresh, good to read and relevant for your readers (yes, they do exist!).

I’ve put together 5 top tips that will liven up your blogs and make them enjoyable for customers to read.

1. Write From Your Passion

Every business has a passion; it’s what made them start out. It’s what keeps them going even on a bad day. Passion can get a bit tarnished or worn, but if your business is still going, it’s still there in one form or another. And customers like to read about passion, about why you care about what you do. Once you locate it, you’ll know because it will energise your writing and give you a way in to even the most prosaic blog titles.

2. Have a Conversation With Your Readers

A lecture delivers an argument, whilst a blog attempts a conversation. Not an easy task; it takes skill and imagination. One way to do it is to create the kind of customer you’re wanting to converse with in your head. How would you talk to them if they were in the room with you? What do they want to know that you can help them with? How do they speak? Most important – what would keep them from wandering away?

3. Eliminate Distancing Vocabulary

See what I did with that subtitle? What I wanted to say was ‘cut the corporate lingo’ but I dressed it up, made it more ambiguous. Result? The eyes slide away to something more interesting. Readers are really good at spotting an authentic voice; they feel cheated if they’re fobbed off with a chatbot. So, stop hiding behind a corporate identity – ‘your custom is appreciated’ – and tell it how it is: “We’re delighted to have you as a customer; now what can we do to keep you?”.

4. Tell a Story

Everyone’s talking about story-telling at the moment – because it’s a trend that’s driving sales. Humans are story-telling animals – it’s how we make sense of the world. Business is now using stories to create emotional engagements between customers and brands, or products. You have numerous stories to tell, and you’re probably not even aware of the treasure trove you’re sitting on.

Here’s some story examples:

  • “I saw this problem and was determined to find the solution”
  • “How we know when we’ve got a product just right for customers”
  • “The day I nearly gave up, and why I didn’t”
  • “How what we do contributes to – (eradicating poverty, creating a sustainable environment, for example)

5. Give Away Useful Resources

Psychologists will tell you that when you give a gift the recipient will want to give something back in return. When it comes to blogs, that could be product tips, or info that you know your customers will appreciate. There’s a place for data-driven downloads, but the gift-without-strings is also a powerful sales tool. Your satisfied reader will reciprocate with ‘likes’, attention, engagement, and – possibly – a sale.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Garry West

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