How Video Can Enhance Your Online Reputation

September 10, 2016

Video can be used to enhance online reputation. Search results today contain blog posts, articles, images, news and video. They’re called “mixed results”. Search engines want to provide the best results possible in whatever format necessary. Video is fast becoming the best way to engage audiences which means you can use it to improve your reputation online.

If you don’t think video is an effective online reputation management strategy, just look at the numbers. 62% of viewers have a negative perception of a brand that produces a poor-quality video. The opposite can be true for a company that produces a high-quality video. Additionally, Syndacast predicts that video will account for 74% of all online traffic in 2017. That is a pretty big chunk of the digital market that you could be reaching just by creating more videos.

Let’s dive into how to improve your online reputation with video.

What Kinds of Videos Will Enhance Your Reputation

Almost anyone can create a video. That doesn’t mean that it will instantly clean up their social media reputation. To accomplish this, you have to put in a little effort – in other words, the content of the video has to be great. You must create branded videos that will attract positive attention from your followers. Some business video content ideas include:

  • A brand explainer video
  • An eye-opening behind the scenes video
  • An educational how-to video
  • A relevant industry or niche news video
  • A face-to-face interview video
  • A socially stimulating live stream

You get the idea—your business has a lot of options. Whatever you choose for your first video, be sure to consistently follow up with more video content. If you only make one video, your viewers may be expecting more, even if you can only produce a new video every few months. Also, fresh content tends to outperform stale content in search results. So keep it fresh.

Videos are so powerful because they are the most “human” of all digital mediums. Your audience can actually see and hear the message – it’s engaging. Live streams are potent because viewers can connect with you in real time, and you can respond to their questions and comments immediately. Periscope is a good tool for social media marketing, and your business might consider jumping on board to accelerate your digital rep.

How to Use Video to Boost Your Online Reputation

Videos are the future online. Knowing how to create a positive image of your business within a video is crucial. Additionally, you have to know how to distribute and interpret your video in order to produce your enhanced online reputation. How? Check out the online reputation management tips below.

How to Create a Positive Image in a Video

Superior Content

Better content does not mean more in-depth, longer videos. In fact, it means just the opposite. Although some members of your audience may enjoy a logistical 10-minute how-to video, you may influence a wider range of your audience with a simple but useful 30-second video (who has the time for a long video?). Your content ideas must provide value to your viewers, whether this be by brightening their day with a laugh or by sharing an actionable tip or two.

First-Rate Quality

Producing a high-quality video is easier than ever. If your business does not have professional filming equipment (video camera, microphone, lighting), you have a few options. You can rent the equipment and do the filming yourself, hire freelance videographers with their own equipment – craigslist or even may be good places to start. Of course you can also purchase the equipment yourself. The final option isn’t as expensive as it sounds, and it can actually prove to be a profitable investment. If it’s not in the budget remember your phone probably has video capabilities. The saying “perfect is the enemy of done” is important to keep in mind. Sometimes you just need to get out there and do it.

The editing process also determines the quality of your video. Again, you can either hire freelancers to edit your footage for you or you can purchase video editing software and do the work yourself. We use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit video. The only issue with choosing the more affordable latter option is that you will have to invest time into learning the software. A poorly edited video is a sloppy video, and remember, haphazard videos may not get you very far on your quest to improve your reputation.

How to Distribute Your Video

Videos are pretty similar to other mediums when it comes to marketing. When you effectively distribute your video, you can accomplish the image-enhancing impact you worked for during the production stage. Keep reading for some more specific tips.

Social Media

Social video can be a major online reputation enhancer. You should directly upload your videos to all your social networks and share them with your followers. Videos produce nearly a 250% greater organic reach than text, links, and photos combined, especially when your videos are shareable—brief and beneficial. You might be pleasantly surprised with the reputation results that social media can draw.


You should always email your subscribers about your latest video. Since a person’s email address isn’t something they are quick to disclose, your audience will build greater trust in you when you use their emails to send them distinguished videos. When an email has the word “video” in the subject line, it increases open rates by 19%, boosts click-through rates by 65%, and reduces unsubscribes by 26%. So, rest assured, it won’t hurt your online reputation to send your subscribers your latest creations.

Website or Blog

Your website or blog is practically your online business representative, so your online reputation is greatly dependent on it. You may even want to consider creating a brand-boosting video especially for your site, such as an explainer video. Landing pages that include such videos actually experience 80% greater conversion rates than those without video. Publishing videos on your blog or website will show visitors that you are a dynamic and innovative brand.


Once you have created your video and spread it across the web, you can interpret the effect it has on your online reputation with video statistics, social feedback, and reputation management tools. If you do not receive the reaction you were hoping for, look for what you did wrong and correct these missteps with your next striking video.

In all reality, video can make or break a business’s online reputation. Video is a trusted source of information for many Internet users, and the medium has become the next big thing for the next generation. Now that you know the best way to promote yourself online, it’s time to get started. Let your creativity flow and produce your own video today!

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