How Your Recruiting Teams Can Respond to the Coronavirus

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The Coronavirus Pandemic has disrupted the lives of millions of people around the world. As the infection count continues to rise, governments are asking citizens to restrict movement. Many workers have started working from home. The economic effects are causing many businesses to slow down or even freeze hiring.

However, certain sectors, such as healthcare, essential retail and infrastructure are experiencing sudden increases in hiring as well. For example, hiring has increased for logistical positions. We heard about Amazon looking for an additional 100,000 workers and GE Healthcare recently announced manufacturing positions to increase the output of ventilators and other equipment.

Your company may be ideally placed to support the needs of these critical infrastructure businesses that support American communities.

Here are some tips that we’ve put together to help you create a plan to support hiring for critical roles during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Redeploy existing talent

While critical businesses such as grocery stores and other businesses involved in the grocery supply chain are looking to bring on additional workers, many other businesses have let go of workers. For example, one industry that has been impacted strongly is construction.

If you have construction candidates currently, why not redeploy them into warehouse or grocery supply chain positions? It’s critical that the supply chain for groceries and other essentials continues to be undisrupted during this Pandemic.

Other roles that are seeing a spike due to the Coronavirus include cleaning roles and positions with the CDC.

Geographically you can make the best impact by focusing your efforts on the 20 states with the most cases of Coronavirus. New York, New Jersey, and California are seeing the greatest increase in Coronavirus-related role hiring.

Source: NPR

Increase speed and efficiency

Consider using solutions to increase the speed and efficiency of your processes to source, engage, and place talent. You may want to consider foregoing standard application practices like making candidates fill out website forms or submit resumes.

1. Route grocery and supply chain workers faster with text to apply

Consider routing all screening conversations and applications through text to apply to improve your time-to-interview. With warehouse positions, you may even be able to send candidates directly to hiring events without having them fill out lengthy application forms.

Using text to apply will help you more rapidly fill critical grocery and supply chain/transport positions.

Ensuring the supply chain for medical supplies continues will become critical as the Pandemic spreads. Get creative and think about how you can better engage the talent you have through redeployment.

2. Use Recruitment Process Automation to route inbound applicants faster

Use conversational AI in the application path for your healthcare, warehouse, and grocery positions. For candidates who are still filling out job applications, it’s critical you’re able to engage and place them where they’re needed most as fast as possible.

Using recruitment process automation will help you to route inbound applicants to critical infrastructure, supply chain, and healthcare positions.

3. Use Outreach to route healthcare professionals to where they are needed most

Some nursing associations are calling upon retired medical professionals and requesting that they make ready to come back to work.

You likely have a database with hundreds of thousands if not millions of medical professionals from all over the United States. You can use Mya Outreach to contact your database, find candidates who are willing to come to coastal cities to help treat infected patients and ensure that hospitals continue to be able to operate in impacted areas.

Maintain critical services and support impacted communities

Your company can make a positive impact on the lives of countless Americans in the midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic. As the situation continues to evolve, it is unclear if the measures governments and other health agencies have instituted will be enough.

If there’s a sudden need for healthcare, grocery, and grocery supply chain candidates there will be no one in a better position to provide businesses critical to our infrastructure with the talent they need to keep things going. In the context of the Coronavirus Pandemic, building a more efficient and equitable job market is more important than ever before.

Originally published here.

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