Sexual harassment is a prevalent issue within industries, workplaces and everyday life all over the globe. It affects all genders, but women have been the disproportionate victims of sexual harassment. Now, there is new technology coming out that could help ease the sexual harassment reporting process at work.
Sexual harassment is “unwelcome sexual advances for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.” It includes unwanted advancements, touching, verbal and physical behavior and more.
With the #MeToo movement gaining traction recently, victims are finding the courage to speak up and share their stories. However, the issues remain. And the process of reporting the incident to HR is part of the issue.
Though approximately 80% of women have experienced sexual harassment, victims tend not to report incidents because the reporting process frequently does not lead to any accountability or action and can be unsafe for them. New tech may now be helping the process, though.
The following seven apps and systems are fostering safer environments for employees to report incidents of sexual harassment.
1. Vault Platform
Vault Platform is a newer system that offers a secure way for employees to report incidents. The company aims to listen to reports, resolve them and, ultimately, act to reduce instances of sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination.
Vault offers a system where employees can enter time-stamped accounts, providing as much detail as possible. Then, there’s the option to search for other complaints that entail the same behavior or individual. If other objections exist, all reports go to HR.
However, if there are no other accusations, the system holds the first report until there’s another.
2. AllVoices
AllVoices is a platform that emphasizes transparency with the upper-level management and HR processing of reports. So, an employee can report an incident anonymously and safely to HR, where administrators can address and handle the reports with care.
AllVoices also focuses on lifting stories, so the company can hear all employees. The platform provides a way to report sexual harassment, as well as discrimination against race, sexual orientation, age, disability and more. Since sexual harassment can overlap with other discriminatory factors, it’s essential to look at how all identities intersect.
3. Work Shield
Work Shield commits to providing third-party moderator systems. This company takes an unbiased approach to sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. The system strives to help empower employees, remove fear of retaliation and reduce incidents and legal risks.
By protecting those in need, Work Shield maintains the company culture while seeing cases from beginning to end. From there, Work Shield hopes to bring about a positive workplace where employers listen to those who want to speak up.
4. Spot
Spot is an all-in-one platform. It is an unbiased artificial intelligence (AI) system employees can talk to regarding their needs and reports. While it can focus on monetary compensation, vacation leave and more, developers designed part of Spot’s system to engage with reports regarding sexual harassment and any form of discrimination.
This AI bot is an anonymous and confidential resource where employees can enter the information and details they remember. Then, they can save the report or submit it to HR instantly. HR then has the responsibility to act on the report and hold those responsible accountable.
5. STOPit Solutions
Another multi-faceted platform is STOPit Solutions. This company engages with a wide range of ages, from K-12 to college to the workplace and everyday lives. STOPit focuses on bullying, harassment and discrimination.
With incident monitoring services, employees have a 24/7 digital support system that’s ready to listen. It ensures anonymity as you report incidents and if employers ask you to follow up, too. From there, HR administrators can properly use the information to pursue action as needed.
6. Speakfully
A system that offers both team and individual platforms is Speakfully. Here, you can log entries, store files, transfer data and information and more. This app provides the user with the ability to consolidate all the communication regarding sexual harassment in the workplace.
Speakfully aims to create a safe environment and culture where employees can report incidents to HR without fear. With its documentation and reporting abilities, the platform also offers supportive resources for victims in need.
7. #NotMe
#NotMe is another resource that works to empower employees and enforce accountability. When companies partner with #NotMe, they can get a customized app that fits the business and culture of the workplace. It offers the ability to report anonymously or with your name attached.
The AI dashboard compiles the information and sends reports to the HR team. The platform ensures employees with an encrypted way to log entries. When they’re ready, they can share their log with HR, who can then take the appropriate next steps.
Using Technology for a Better Working Environment
If you work in the HR department, you will want to ensure a safe and secure method of reporting that offers protection, removes fear and stigmas and increases accountability. These seven apps make workplaces more hospitable.
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